Halloween – Peace Angels in Easton

Teams of Peacemakers City Patrols were out and about in the Easton and Old Market areas of Bristol on Thursday 31st October.  as part of their ‘Be Safe Nights’ Initiatives planned for Bristol 2019/20.  They set off from the St. Marks Road at around 6.30 pm, it was dark, wet and cold and the atmosphere outside was charged with the smell of fireworks.

They passed clusters of adults and children dressed in horror costumes going from door to door ‘trick or treating’ along the way, and however innocently this may sound, there is always a chance of danger and ‘bad-will’ so Peacemakers hold that their  visible presence as ‘light’ which will help to ensure a certain amount safety in the areas they patrol.

All Hallows Eve or All Saints Eve was first observed as a Christians remembrance and celebration of the lives of devoted loved ones including saints known as hallows, martyrs and other faithful figures of the day.

The Patrols stopped to pray and to remember the life of taxi-driver Colin Wilson, at the very spot where he was robbed and brutally stabbed and died some years earlier.  At the time Prayer Patrols rallied members of the Easton Community as well people from across other parts of Bristol to join in a Respect4Life March through Easton and St. Pauls.

















Some Christians abstain from eating meats on All Hallows’ Eve, a tradition reflected in the eating of vegetarians foods such as apples, potato cakes, and soul cakes.

Soulcakes are little cakes, made with allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, other sweet spices such as raisins currants with a little cross on top, these were given to the children and poor that would go from door to door begging, singing and offering to pray for the givers and their families, and some even offer to pray for their pets during the month of November. Over time it became a more commercial and seen more as a secular celebration and the soul cakes were replaced by trick or treating giving of sweets, costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o’- lanterns, playing pranks, telling scary stories, creating haunting attractions and bonfires.

The Patrols aims to be a beneficial visible presence and a source for good during Halloween and Bonfire Nights.  Their Bright Fluorescent jackets can be seen a good distance away, cars. They do not go from door to door offering payers as per the All Hallows Eve Tradition, instead, they are ‘prayed up’ using a modality termed Pre-empt or ‘Operation Presence’.


The patrol from St.Mark’s Road, Easton to Pennywell Road, was fairly unconfrontational until they got to the Goodhind Street area. There they found a medium-sized group of boys, some standing and the others sitting on a low wall-fence. They were swearing and speaking loudly, and a member of the group ran across the road, placed something in a letterbox and shouted  ‘come out you cowards.’  Another larger group of young people ran towards the direction of the Patrols. They were hurling fireworks onto the parked cars, shouting, swearing as they randomly threw more fireworks on the pavement and in the middle of the road. The Patrols then gathered in to pray, then formed themselves in a line and stood motionless in silence. Perhaps it was the light from the jackets and the effects of prayers but the older boys scampered and raced towards Pennywell Road, and a short time later the smaller group also fled the scene too. The night ended peacefully as the Teams gathered in at another crime spot along Stapleton Road where a few years ago a Solamilan youth was viciously stabbed to death.

The next ‘Be safe Night’ Patrol will be in the Broadmead area of Bristol Bonfire Night Tuesday 5th November 2019.  To join the Peacemakers prayer patrol or City Patrols please telephone the Commissioner on 075 083 90298.

Peacemakers are also advising people to report any of illegal activities that they are aware of through CrimeStoppers or directly to the Police 999 in cases of real emergencies. See Crimestoppers number below or because you are already browsing our website you can find more information about this service on Our Partner Organization page or view directly on their website.


Lets take a look back …….. PEACEMAKERS 2019 Summer Prayer Patrols in America USA

Wow, how quickly the summer months passed and here we are already on the threshold of Fall.  We are certainly looking forward to planning and training for our upcoming Saftey Projects for the ember months, with its darker evenings there will be more strategic Patroling and Events.
And as we plan to move forward we must also look back and give thanks for the safety of our Summer Prayer Patrols in America, and the great favor and welcome we received there.
Our 1st stop was in the quiet country town of Evert. Evart is a city in Osceola County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 1,903 at the 2010 census.  And so, this was very much a new experience for the Prayer Patrol crew that went out to pray outside the Town Hall, the smallest one we have seen so far.
There were not many people out on the streets of Evart for the Patrollers to engage with at first, but, just as they had finished praying outside the hall and was about to make their way back to base a group of young people came by.  They were friendly and very inquisitive, perhaps due to the British accent. Thankfully we were able to engage them, we explained our mission to them we then asked if they would kindly help us by suggesting whatever they thought were some really important issues facing the Township and its people, especially youths, that we should include in our prayers. Immediately one youth shouted out ‘gangbanging’ then ran away. The others stayed, and they all nodded but one guy spoke up and said: “yes that’s it, it is terrible around here, us youths are terrified, and we only feel safe to walk in groups now.” They appeared quite serious and obviously passionate and vocal that something should be done to safeguard the town and its young people. Unacquainted by the term ‘gangbanging’ we asked them to explain what it meant so that we might know how best to pray.
Aparently, gangbanging is a slang term they used for the situation where men a van approaches a person walking along the street on their own, kidnapping then into their van, tying them up, and driving off with them often taking them to a secluded spot to rape them.  And there are many secluded spots near to the town. One girl obviously distressed, told us that if we did not believe them then we should go and visit the local supermarket, not far from where they were, and there we would find posters of many young persons reported gone missing as they walked out alone. One of the Patrols also recalled seeing a large Beware Trafficking warning poster outside the tiny town library.
The young people huddled in, one lad removed his cap held it in his hand and bowed his head in a sign of respect as we prayed. We prayed for them, for the missing children and their families, the politicians, for those who commit these awful crimes, that they would be caught and changed, and prayed too for the future safety of the township. Their faces lit up afterward, they thanked us and rode off as a group towards the quiet ballpark across the road, where we could see the first boy that had shouted out ‘gangbanging’ was sat on a log in the park waiting for them.
The look on the faces of those youths gave us the assurance that significant work was done that day, even though we were only a very small patrol team.

So, from the quiet Township of Evart to the lively bustlings of New York City:    see map below

Downtown New YorkImage result for new york

ROY WILKINS PAK, Jamaica Queens, USA

Image result for roy wilkins park

BELOW Youtube video HIGHLIGHTS of  PEACEMAKERS 2019 New York Prayer Patrol

Uk’s Peacemakers Chief the Reverend Dr. Palmer joined with local New Yorkers and others from further afield and representing a mixed array of denominations for an interesting evening of Prayer Patrolling at the Roy Wilkins Community sports ground which is in the vicinity of the Jamaica Queens area of New York.
The small team of energetic Patrollers was led by New York’s young Prayer Patrol Advocate for the evening, local Businessmen and inspirational Motivator Lewin Carr. In this short highlight video clip, he delivers a very powerful proclamation and a prophetic word for the area and for New York in general. “We have left the energy on the earth and it is indestructible”
A number of people on the ground showed interest in the patrol, and members of the team were able before, during and after the patrol to engage with, encourage and pray with many of them.

NEXT      signup for                                                  Prayer/City Patrols Training Bristol      Oct 25th, 2019 …details coming soon.

NEXT:  Peacemakers Prayer/City Patrols  BE SAFE NIGHTS: Bonfire 31st October and Halloween 5th November  2019



September Meetup and Gratitude day Event has been canceled!

We regret to say that the September Meetup which was scheduled for the 20th September 2019, and the Gratitude Day Event for the 21st has been canceled. The Gratitude Day Event is being rescheduled for next September 2020, and the next Peacemakers Meetup will take place as planned on the 22nd of November 2019.

Please note that the City Patrol Training originally booked for the 18th of October has been moved to the 25th of October instead. This is an important training in preparation for the upcoming BE Safe Nights our Safety Awareness Patrols around Bonfire Night and Halloween.

PEACEMAKERS Happy Patch, snatch a little Happiness!

The City Patrols and Prayer Patrollers were out in support of the Spread a little Happiness Day initiative last month. The day created great opportunities for them to speak with, encourage and support visitors at their ‘Need Prayer’ table, as well as to laugh and share the happiness tone with the vast array of passersby, in the busy Broadmead Shopping Quarter of Bristol. It was reported as a hugely successful day which saw them handing out hundreds of Happy Patches. And  although there were several other events also taking place around the precinct on the day, they said their event attracted a steady flow of people throughout, and shoppers and visitors to the area danced to the upbeat music which was belting out through the speakers of their small PA, which was hidden from view beneath a medium-sized A board on which was written in bold letters ‘come and get your happy patch here today.’ (see Youtube video footage below)


PEACEMAKERS July 2019 Prayer for PEACE

And so here we are in the Seventh Month of the year, we made it through the first half of the year, and the next half,  the next six month will pass by very quickly. This is the birth month of the famous JImage result for julyulius Ceaser, and perhaps it is yours and you think that you stumbled here by chance, or maybe were directed here in a more direct way by a link in your email or in your Whatsapp mail, but however, and whatever the probability of you viewing this post in the Month of July 2019, I think that we can safely  agree that it is significant and timely.  And you should know that you are here for such a time as THIS.  What is this ‘THIS’ you may be asking? Well, it is precisely as it suggests, that you are not here by chance. There is an intentional prayer-tone of PEACE embedded in this post.

“May you experience this peace as ease in your body-temple; Image result for this       May this peace ruminate your mind-soul regarding your finances, relationships, projects and future.  May the peace that THIS PEACE emits transmute every fear, doubt, worry, hardship and illusion of separation. Be well, be whole, be present in the knowing that Peace is for you. It is with you even now, o let it be! and so it is! Amen”

Image result for thisFor anyone reading this post days, weeks, months or even years after this prayer was written, know this, you have not missed out on your blessing. Time is illusional in terms of the Blessing within THIS vibrational prayer-field. So connect now with a strong feeling tone of belief and conviction,  fully assured that PEACE is for you now, THIS,  eternal presentness.

2019 July Prayer for Peace Prayer is written by - PEACEMAKERS Chief Reverend Dawnecia Palmer


April – Good Day Friday 19th 2019

PEACEMAKERS CITY PATROLS will be out on the street of Bristol brandishing the good news in an innovative way on Good Friday.

Image result for good friday 2019“Every day is a good day,”  says Peacemakers leader, “but on Friday 19th April 2019, we are actually setting apart this day to use as the platform to do something good, by providing ‘a good Friday service’ which shares goodwill for all. How do we hope to achieve this? Our goal is to give out our ‘Life Loves You’ stickers to passersby, on a day that is regarded all over the world by many as Good Friday.”

They are inviting everyone to come and spread the love around town. They will be setting up a stand at the front-side of Debenhams, in Broadmead Shopping Quarter, Bristol from 11 am to 1 pm. There will be balloons, stickers with ‘Life Loves You’ written on them, and of course, a free Easter Egg.

The Emphasis behind this Initiative is the powerful, positive 3 worded sentence.  They hope their efforts will raise the morale of shoppers and visitors to the area,  to create a greater sense of worth and wellbeing,  as well as a safety deterrent.  Reverend Palmer, the visionary behind the project says, “When a person feels valued they are able to value someone else too. A small gesture such as our ‘Life Loves You sticker’ is very likely to create a ripple effect of an environment of charged with positivity, love, harmony, and peace. When a person learns that their own life is lovable, they can begin to see the value of life in another, hatred through fear of difference, and intimidation gives way to self-esteem, tolerance and kindness so that we can all enjoy a more peaceful and just society.”

Sometimes people just need a reminder … a little love can go a long way towards healing old wounds. We hope our presence will help to  Make Bristol Better – Peacemakers City Patrols.


Continue reading April – Good Day Friday 19th 2019

New Peacemakers Patrols 2019-20 Update/MeetUp


Image result for patrolsIn a world where political uncertainty, growing knife crimes and violence, relationship breakdowns,  and terribly sad news internationally and locally fills our news channels as the expected, I dare to believe that we have found a few solutions to change this! Image result for patrols

PEACEMAKERS have come up with a few innovative ideas for Spring 2019 through 2020, which, I hope you will find exciting and willing to support. It is because I believe that Life is Magnificent and full of creative ideas and fresh possibilities to make Bristol a safer better place to visit, live, work and play.

The new ideas are exciting, simple and open. They are designed in a way that more people may become interested and choose to get involved in spreading the love, so to speak – as well as taking part in something where they see themselves making a difference and becoming a beneficial presence on the planet.


Therefore we would like to invite you to join us next Thursday 4th April 2019, at the Butlers Cafe, upstairs within the Broadmead Galleries Food Court, at 11 am, and here we will unfold our fresh new Vision for Making Bristol Better 2019-2020, over a cuppa!

I do hope that you will be able to come. Please indicate if this is something that you are interested in, would like to be kept in the loop about, or to get involved with at a later date, and we will forward updates as they occur.

Many thanks for dropping by. Wishing you a blessed, safe, happy day, all day

2019 New PEACEMAKERS Patrols Initiative for Bristol and the UK

A small Meetup is to held in the Cafe area, on the top floor of the Galleries, in the Bristol Broadmead Shopping Centre, on Wednesday Morning, 20th February 2019 at 10.30am. The Butler’s Diner seating area is being discussed as the most likely. It is an open invitation to attend and hear first-hand the new ideas for Patrol 2019 going forward. Not much has been disclosed so far except the Title for the new Initiative “Let’s help make Bristol Better”.

Plans are also on the way to meet and discuss the plans with Police, Various Communities, Groups, Organization, and Businesses. In the past, Visible Peacemakers Patrols were successful in reducing high levels of crime in many parts of Bristol and other parts of the UK as well as abroad. Most of these areas remained low or no crime areas afterward.

Let us hope that LHMBB will be as great as its aspiration! see below the copy of the letter that was sent out from the Chief Commissioner’s Office today. 

















A global network of prayer, a force for good, a beneficial presence in the earth: to bless, protect, and actively engage with local communities.