Would you like prayer for yourself or someone that you care about?
If you answered yes then you have come to the right place. Prayer is an entrance point, an open door to what you are seeking, the help you need and the answer here already, waiting for you.
Please use this link https://peacemakersprayerpatrol.com/contact/ to post your requests and always mention ‘prayer requests’ within your text.
Remember no burden is too heavy, no problem too difficult, no request insignificant. We deem each individual precious and their requests valid.
Your Prayer Requests will be dealt with as soon as it is read and will be handled confidentially by Peacemakers Prayer Patrols own trained Practitioners. We believe that ALL is possible to those who believe that this is so.
Peace and Blessings
Reverend Palmer
P.S….Here is a short video entitled if you have faith as small as a mustard seed which I hope will encourage you today. https://youtu.be/qTgc-fUWweo