Let Love Reign in peace

How good and pleasant it is to be a part of this global mission. How truly blessed to take time, no rather to make time, to come aside each day for the purpose of deliberately emitting and directing love towards the 18 Countries specifically selected for us this Month.


 Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Burkina Faso
Burma → Myanmar
 Cape Verde
 Central African Republic

It is easy to say I bless the world, but it is another thing, and much less egoistic to call Countries by names. And I do not mean just calling them out as a title.  But to envisage their peoples, their lifestyle, their economic trends, their safety etc. for inclusion in our prayers. Seeing Light within each, and that Light which is the light of the Supreme expanding out, throughout the entire nation for which we have engaged intercession. To hear the wonder of a birth cry and see the last breath of the aged one through the spirit, is a humbling but rewarding lesson.

Until the revelation of this second Block of Countries for Feburary when we first started Global Prayers in 2016, I had no idea that Cape Verde existed, moreover the details I have since discovered about its inhabitants.  In fact, there are several Countries and peoples that I did not know much about before this,  and at least one other that I had no idea that that country even existed. I know this might not seem like a big thing, but for me who testified that I had prayed for the world many times, it was a biggie.  And I will say here that I had often mention the word ‘world’ in my prayers many times but about the specifics? I had no clue. You see I had not joined heart and soul with the Divine for these places, and you make well ask if it is imperative that we should be specific in our prayers. Now I would answer with a resounding “YES!”

O how God displays glory, beauty, love, in each person and in every place, in so many diverse ways, in varying forms, and of multitude species.  This is indeed a most magnificent world to explore, celebrate, empathize with, pray for, give praise and bless every single day!

Today I found myself calling each of the 17 countries by name. I closed my eyes and with a feeling tonality of deepest gratitude, I named each one beloved and blessed.  During this transaction, something wonderful thing happened to me. It was as if a wave of love vibrated back to me, over me, it lingered, and stayed with me all throughout the day.

lightbulb (3)Jesus, the Christ said I am the light of the world. In another place, it is recorded that Jesus also said ‘you are the light of the world. May the exposure of this Divine truth which is Love, stir within each of us.  May our light so shine through us as prayers, thus dispelling all shadows of darkness, fear, doubt, lack, hate, and seeming limitations. Amen.

A global network of prayer, a force for good, a beneficial presence in the earth: to bless, protect, and actively engage with local communities.