Desperate times calls for desperate measures, and, Prayer is one of those desperate measures. Not that it should need desperate times for us to attend to prayer, but, O how desperately our world need our prayers right NOW!
And so, in this season of Grace, we pray Peace. We lift hearts, voice and souls. I pray….
Bypassing the boundaries of age, colour, creed, borders of country divides, orientation, status, age and size. Plunge in deep, on knees, in yielded silence, or perhaps with loud gusto! make that clarion call for PEACE!
Let Peace reign in hearts and minds.
What will it take? This we gladly give, peacefully, generously.
Hearts ablaze with Peace, may we see each one a Brother, a Sister, Mother, Father, Son, Daughter. One Family under God!
On this 1st day of March in the year Two Thousand and Twenty-two Beseeching, Pronouncing, Announcing, Decreeing, Proclaiming …. LET THERE BE PEACE and let it begin in me. AMEN. Ashay. Ameen.
A Prayer Call for Peace written by Reverend Dr Dawnecia Palmer Chief Commissioner, PEACEMAKERS 1st March Click Here for short Clip 'LET PEACE BEGIN WITH ME'