NEXT PATROL: ‘Peace Angels PRAYER PATROLS will be in Upper Eastville and Fishponds  AREA Wednesday 1st September 2021 BETWEEN 12 NOON TO 2.30 PM if you would like to join with us in any of the two areas please contact us via the CONTACT US Page or Email directly to

To report crime here please use our Prayer & Safety Alert phone line on 0845 468 0114 (**Please note that 0845 numbers are more costly to ring, whether you're calling from a landline or mobile.)


  1. Deshpal Signh likes to tell people his name is Bob which it ain’t. Othmane calls himself Mr Ozzy, they also have a violent thug they are using called Clayton Milsolm who calls himself Shayton Gruntshaw. Crime has risen by over 300% since this scumbag set up shop. Although the local police are on his payroll they go into his shop once a week where he hands them a free bag of shopping trying to win their favour. He is a slimy git hiding in plain site peddling death to vunerable kids. We need action from brave people like you and then the rest of community will feel empowered to stand up to these Crims and send them where they belong. Thank you kindly

  2. Hello. We desperately need your patrols in horfield from the junction of Toronto road to Hughes gardens on Filton avenue. The cities wholesale drug supplier has set up shop in the Nisa store peddling his crack, amphetamine and heroin using weed to get kids as young as 10 couriering for him to dealers. Bringing other violent crime too. They have a lab at flt1 400 Filton ave, the Nisa,pizza shop and all flats above along with stash cars outside the 400 Filton ave building, and a base across road with racist football flags in window owned by an obese ginger man who is mentally impaired. The ringleader name Deshpal Singh, his leutenants are Othmane errabah, Zeckie,John Duffy,Big Rob

    1. Good afternoon apologies for only responding to your message now. First I would like you to know that we hear your concerns. As the comments box is not private we will response to you in more details via email going forward or should you wish to respond beforehand then the contact form is a safer more protected way for you to do so. Sometimes messages are automatically routed as spam however we did manage to rescue this one. You can be assured your concerns are logged, that we are looking into how best to deal with this grave concern. In the meantime I want to to be assured that we have securely passed on to the Police department we trust will deal with your concerns in a fair and just manner. We are praying, as we believe prayers are the most effective and efficient way of dealing with things before even attempting to add visible presence.
      Thank you for taking the time to write in. You are very brave. Our prayers goes out today for you and yours, and for all those mentioned, alleged victims and perpetrators alive. May the All Good, Right and Pleasant, manifest in ways that bring surprising intervention for the benefit of all concerned.

      In Kindness and Peace.
      PPP Co-ordinator

    2. Good afternoon apologies for only responding to your message now. First I would like you to know that we hear your concerns. As the comments box is not private we will response to you in more details via email going forward or should you wish to respond beforehand then the contact form is a safer more protected way for you to do so. Sometimes messages are automatically routed as spam however we did manage to rescue this one. You can be assured your concerns are logged, that we are looking into how best to deal with this grave concern. In the meantime I want to to be assured that we have securely passed on to the Police department we trust will deal with your concerns in a fair and just manner. We are praying, as we believe prayers are the most effective and efficient way of dealing with things before even attempting to add visible presence.
      Thank you for taking the time to write in. You are very brave. Our prayers goes out today for you and yours, and for all those mentioned, alleged victims and perpetrators alive. May the All Good, Right and Pleasant, manifest in ways that bring surprising intervention for the benefit of all concerned.

      In Kindness and Peace.
      PPP Co-ordinator

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