A Call for Peace ‘makers’

The Mission to pray for each of the World’s 206 Countries continues.

From Saturday February 12th to Monday 29th February 2016. PEACEMAKERS will Prayer Patrol another 17 countries.

During the month of January there were daily vigils for 18 Countries, with signups from peoples across the globe.

Taken with Lumia Selfie


This is a call to engage and participate in a Global Vision for Love Hope and Peace. Everyone is invited to pray with us or simply to show their support by filling out the sign up form below. 


Reverend Palmer                                                                                         photographed during a recent prayer vigil                                                           in Bristol, United Kingdom


hands for peace

“Be the Change you desire and Together we  can Transform our World”  – Apostle Grateful

  • Please sign in  on Global Prayer SignUp form
  • You can also write your own prayers in the comments box and on approval it will be published in our comments section
  •  View more by clicking on Global Prayer Patrol TAB

or https://peacemakersprayerpatrol.com/global-prayer-february/


Continue reading A Call for Peace ‘makers’


Since the 16th January the Peacemakers Mission have seen an increase in SignUps from varying parts of the globe to Pray daily for   18 of the 206 Countries of the World.

“It is one thing to pray for World Peace, but it is only as individuals find peace with his or her self in God, that we begin to advance toward communal peace. And this is our Prayer”, says Reverend Palmer coordinator for the Mission.


“It is as if I know them personally,” the Rev continued, “Each time I pray I realize just how much we are all part of the whole, and that gives me great hope.  There seems to be so much bad news reporting almost every time you flick on the television and radio or read the newspapers. But we can change this by focusing on the the good potentiality of each person; and prayer gives us the best opportunity to do so.  That is why we are inviting everybody to participate in this noble vision through the drop down SignUp form on the site.”

In February the list of a further 17 Countries will be published.


PEACEMAKERS: A Global Mission – Patroling the World

January 16th, 2016 marks the start of the Peacemakers Global Mission to Prayer Patrol the entire World, 206 Listed Countries.

“Our mandate for this year 2016 is to reach the whole world”,  says  Reverend Palmer Chief Commissioner of her hopeful band of Peacemakers Prayer Patrollers.  “I have been commissioned to pray three things for the world this year. These three things are Love Hope and Peace, in that order.”

“I pray that as best people will become more mindful, generating a deeper awareness towards right thinking and eventually finding themselves awakening into right actions.”

“Together let us pray for a world where where we begin to learn to love ourselves, with the desire to love others in the same way, then ultimately seeing every person through the eyes of LOVE. This is my Hope on our  journey to Peace.”

the world and people

 If you would like to be part of this Global Mission to pray for Love Hope and Peace for our world Please sign up on Global Prayer Sign In pop up form at the end this post.

You can also write your own prayers in the comments box and on approval it will be published in our comments section

You can view more by clicking on Global Prayer Patrol TAB


see PEACEMAKERS Global Prayer Patrols

see Global Prayer for May 2016

the world flags

peacemakers prayer patrol global mission for April 2016.

 Bristol Prayer Patrol

The  Bristol Prayer Patrol Team has been under the radar in the UK for the past two years.  However they have not been completely out of Service during that time but have been involved in various Peace Projects in West Palm Beach, radio, patrols and presentations in Detroit,  and spotted in other regions of the US.


On New Years Day 2016 The Rev as she is affectionately known and the band of Patrollers wearing the usual high visibility Prayer Patrol jacket, met with visiting US Missionary Ivy Reid in Bristol and held their first Peace Vigil of the year.  They  gathered beside a large Peace banner on the grounds outside the Bristol City Council House Building adjacent to the Cathedral.Bristol_Cathedral_&_College_Green,_Bristol_-_DSC05688Prayers were made for various spheres of life such as the Civic and Spiritual leaders, Media, Business, Education, NHS and Hospitals etc, Youths, the Elderly, Family and children, Housing, Street Safety, drugs and gang related crime, and the Emergency Services.

A candle was lit by each person in response to a prayer topic.  At the end of the prayers the faithful band patrolled peacefully across College Green culminating on the Promenade where they stood in a circle holding hands for the final Blessing for the City and it’s expected visitors for 2016.

January – A Global Prayer for our World

Check this out > Prayers – Peace as April Showers



It is called a new year, and so many people are wishing hoping praying even dying for the change they desire to see in their lives circumstances and situations.

Some will be investing vast amounts into projects, trips, inventions, classes courses, etc in the attempt to kick start a change.

So what is it that make us view the idea of a new calendar year as THE solution for renewal? Here you must stop and reflect and answer for yourself because only  you can answer this.  And each persons’ answer will reflect their personal assessments and desires.

This inherit tug towards Light or Change is real for all of us.  This ever unfolding of ourselves towards a higher better more perfect selfhood being, has been the most sought after existential quality since the beginning of time.  The Bible is one such book that relates the story of the first Beings on earth to reach out from beyond their already perfectly formed selfhood and sourrounding, in order to seek the advice and instructions and wisdom of an entity from without.  The results of such an adventure we are told is the backdrop for the illusion of the pain and sufferings we see and hear  about in the news media of our world today.

So how can this be the start of A New Year A New Year for You?


I must let you in on the secret which is really no secret because the truth is it has been around before the beginning of time. You see once you get this truth, I mean really get it….The happy YOU  you are searching for is already at hand within you.  Your true self and Divine nature is waiting  to express and to be experienced. This self that has always been at hand.  It is perfect,  being one with Life and is accessible to you Now, without charge.  But has been hidden for the ages through superstitions, ignorance, greed, manipulation and fear.

However,  for my example today I will here use the man Jesus, as a reference point and as one such individual who as Christ within his earth span years, showed and proved to the world that it is  possible both to attain and maintain a beingness of wholeness, goodness, forgiveness and love which transcends our physicality, space and time.

And so it is, that you must begin by generating a feeling tonality of being grateful to Life within your breath.  Thrive to believe in the goodness it is within you and that it is your birthright.  Then trust that the Substance of All goodness, healing and forgiveness is yours to partake and enjoy Now.  Aim to claim and proclaim it straight away!  For this is your way to the Happy You and not just another New Year.  This is the Lifeline to a Lifetime acceptance of Peace Joy Abundance and Love.

Wishing you a totally ‘Happy You’ and a Substantially Happy and Abundant Life, throughout 2016.




Coming Soon!! The Place of Health and Forgiveness

The Place of Forgiveness and Health is an interactive online prayer toolkit, coming soon to the Peacemakers website.  “Watch out for it!!” says the Rev,  ” It promises to be amazing and 100% effective for life and happiness.”


Please Click here submit Prayer Requests

New Year’s Day Prayers for City of Bristol 2016

Peace Makers Prayer Patrols are on the move again, they aim to start off 2016 by hitting the streets of Bristol with Prayer and well wishes for the city, for one hour, on New Years day, 1st January 2016 at 1 pm .

It is to be the first of many such Events of Conference, Talks and Workshops being planned for 2016 to take place here in Bristol as well as in the USA.  Peacemakers Prayer Patrols describes themselves as ‘a beneficial  presence for peace and safety on the streets, and a viable global spiritual source of  healing, support, and blessing  through their *New online service.  Here, visitors to their website are invited to post their prayer requests.  They will also be given opportunity to peruse the Prayer Wall for inspirational texts, videos and to see other products on offer.

The Event will starts at 1 pm outside the Council House on College Green, with prayers and well wishes for the city and for the peoples of Bristol from every sphere of life.  They will then proceed to patrol across Park Street, along past the Hippodrome, crossing at the traffic lights onto the  Promenade.  On the Promenade they will then form a circle by holding hands for the Benediction Blessing.


Anyone interested in the prosperity, well-being and safety  of the City is invited to ‘just turn up’ (on time) on the day.  Flasks of tea and coffee will be provided afterwards but if those coming could bring a flask with sufficient to share with someone else, then cups will be provided.

” …. the good intention for peace and goodwill for person place or thing”  The art of Prayer-  by Reverend Dawnecia Palmer

A global network of prayer, a force for good, a beneficial presence in the earth: to bless, protect, and actively engage with local communities.