“Our mandate is to reach the whole world through prayer”, says Reverend Palmer the Chief Commissioner of Peacemakers Prayer Patrol.
” I have been commissioned to pray three things for the world this year. These three things are Love Hope and Peace, in that order.
January 16th, 2016 marked the start of the Peacemakers Global Mission to Prayer Patrol the World’s 206 Listed Countries through prayer. it is our hope that others will SignUp and join in to keep the flow of this pattern of prayer going each year.
It is now 2019 and 3 years later there are fresh challenges. I encourage that we meet these turbulent times with the knowing that Life is for us. So, let us remain vigilant in our prayers. Let us affirm: ‘Let Love reign’. ‘Let Hope be born in the heart of humanity today’ and ‘Let Peace reign now’. Amen. And so it is!
Countries are divided into 12 Prayer Blocks over the course of a year.
Each Month Peacemakers Prayer Patrol
will cover 17 of the Listed Countries. Except for January and December where they will cover 18 Countries respectively.
“I pray that as best people will become more mindful, generating a deeper awareness towards right thinking and eventually finding themselves awakening into the right actions.”
“Together let us pray for a world where we begin to learn to love ourselves, with the desire to love others in the same way, then ultimately seeing every person through the eyes of LOVE. This is my Hope on our journey to Peace.”
- Desperate Measures for our Times by Peacemakers chief, on the killings of civilians and police in the USA
- Global Mission Prayer 17 Countries 13th -30th April 2016
- See Global Prayer Patrol April Here
see next page for Global Prayer Patrol – February
- See Global Prayer Patrol February here
- see May Global Mission Prayer for Italy and the Ivory Coast
- see May Global Mission Prayer for Jordon
- Prayer for Pakistan
See > Prayer for Istanbul’s Victims -HERE-
Please see HERE for what happened in the FALL of 2016 UK AND EUROPE PRAYER PATROLS