PEACEMAKERS CITY PATROLS will be out on the street of Bristol brandishing the good news in an innovative way on Good Friday.
“Every day is a good day,” says Peacemakers leader, “but on Friday 19th April 2019, we are actually setting apart this day to use as the platform to do something good, by providing ‘a good Friday service’ which shares goodwill for all. How do we hope to achieve this? Our goal is to give out our ‘Life Loves You’ stickers to passersby, on a day that is regarded all over the world by many as Good Friday.”
They are inviting everyone to come and spread the love around town. They will be setting up a stand at the front-side of Debenhams, in Broadmead Shopping Quarter, Bristol from 11 am to 1 pm. There will be balloons, stickers with ‘Life Loves You’ written on them, and of course, a free Easter Egg.
The Emphasis behind this Initiative is the powerful, positive 3 worded sentence. They hope their efforts will raise the morale of shoppers and visitors to the area, to create a greater sense of worth and wellbeing, as well as a safety deterrent. Reverend Palmer, the visionary behind the project says, “When a person feels valued they are able to value someone else too. A small gesture such as our ‘Life Loves You sticker’ is very likely to create a ripple effect of an environment of charged with positivity, love, harmony, and peace. When a person learns that their own life is lovable, they can begin to see the value of life in another, hatred through fear of difference, and intimidation gives way to self-esteem, tolerance and kindness so that we can all enjoy a more peaceful and just society.”
Sometimes people just need a reminder … a little love can go a long way towards healing old wounds. We hope our presence will help to Make Bristol Bett
er – Peacemakers City Patrols.