3.00 pm The Walk procession will congregate towards the front Entrance of the Eastville Park. BS5 6QL [You can park at Eastville Park car park, at Park Avenue, BS5 6QL.]
3.05 pm Prompt. PEACE POEM by Dr. Palmer followed immediately by A Cooperate round of Prayers For Peace with other Participating Countries: verbal prayers, peace words, chants, drums, shofar and whistles.
3.15 pm The Peace Meditation Procession moves towards Stapleton Road [during the procession instruments may be blown or played: such as drums, shofar, whistles, and colourful PEACE Flags and Banners]
3.30/40pm The Procession Finish – across the road from the Lebeqs Tavern. Stapleton Road, Easton, BS5 0PA. Peace Chant, Prayer for Easton, and dispersal.
PEACEMAKERS City Safety 24/7 Prayer & Safety Alert Careline.
084 5468 0114
N.B Please Note 084 Numbers are charged at a fixed rate of 5p per minute plus the caller’s phone provider’s access charge. International calls rates can be even higher.
OR Report crime directly to 999 or Crime Stoppers UK
A Prayer for April
“Lord of Love, Lord of Light, Lord that is Life, and Life Lord
Ushering in fresh Wellsprings of Healing and Miracles.
Announcing and Declaring Access to ALL.
Breaking and pulling down every wall of division, separation, prejudice, malice, mistrust, superstition and suspicion.
Decreeing Let there Be Love, Let there Be Peace, Let there Be GRACE.
For Thy Light, The Glory of the Lord, The Love of the ages, is come! Amen, Ameen, Ahsay.” ~ by Reverend Dr Palmer- Prophetic Ensemble Jan 1, 2022 Bristol, U.K. GB.
Saturday 8th JANUARY at 2pm front entrance Eastville Park.
For more Information or if you wish to participate in future patrols please use the website’s Contact Us Form or the
PEACEMAKERS City Safety 24/7 Prayerfone Careline.
084 5468 0114
N.B Please Note 084 Numbers are charged at a fixed rate of 5p per minute plus the caller’s phone provider’s access charge. International calls rates can be even higher.
NEXT SOUND THE ALARM MIDDAY PRAYER CALL is rescheduled for Wednesday 16th FEBRUARY at 12noon via Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/qkb-uhgr-hsm
The 3rd PEACEMAKERS Sound the Alarm Online Midday Call to Prayer will be on Wednesday 20th October via Google Meet at 12 noon for 30 minutes.
This is the Google meet Link to join: Click https://meet.google.com/fcu-ekct-cza or go to Google and type in GOOLE Meet and where it says to Join Meeting copy and paste: fcu-ekct-cza and it will take you to the Prayer Room.
Lets meet up here to pray peace across our countries, and safety on our streets.
We have had two major stabbings here in Bristol since our last Sound the Alarm Midday Prayer Call, As we can see crime is relentless and so must we. As a Guardian of the Planet for peace and safety I feel particularly responsible to try an bring as much awareness as possible to the **need for more robust prayer interventions, as well as **more personal approach, to address gangs and street crimes in our cities and neighbourhoods.
“Much has been done through Prayer & City Safety Patrols here in Bristol and other parts of the Country and abroad over the years, however we must up our game to become more proactive in handling these issues rather than reactive or simply leaving it up to the local authority. It is obvious that if the local authority could change mindsets and behaviours it would have done so, and though I am in no way saying we will completely obliterate street violence and gang related crimes, I am saying that I have seen first-hand that Prayer and personal commitment to actively engage visibly through the Patrols Scheme does work. In fact it works effectively, correcting many issues at the root cause, and brought about a safer, more pleasant areas in which to live, work and play.” ~Rev Palmer, Patrols Chief
The Theme for this Prayer Call is ‘Why Prayer is a Good intervention for Street related Crimes and City Safety.’ Our Esteemed Guest and Keynote Speaker is Lewin Carr form Cambria Heights, Queens, New York.
Mr Lewin Carr is CEO and Life Coach for Success Happiness Full Potential Academy. He is PEACEMAKERS Patrol Representative in New York. Mr Carr is very passionate about thriving communities, community safety, personal empowerment, and the role that an individual can play in helping to build more balanced, safer, and just communities.
FEEDBACK from Sound the Alarm 2.
Chief Superintendent Mark Runacres was Esteemed Guest and Keynote Speaker for the Midday Prayer Call. He spoke passionately around the importance for initiatives such as the Prayer and City Safety Patrols and the role they play in bringing awareness and reassurance on the streets of local communities, being visible and clear, taking time and pride, and reporting. He said the Street Safety Patrols show people care and want to be a part of the process, taking pride in their communities, and doing their part to make it a better safer place. He was very kind and sensitive in paying tribute to those Patrollers who had passed on, saying “..they made a difference.”
"Crime will not survive where Communities Strive" ~ Chief Superintendent, Avon and Somerset Police Constabulary.
When asked what more can PEACEMAKERS do to support the work of the Police in bring safety to streets and Communities , the Chief said,“Patrols should carry on doing what they are doing. Continue to bring a very visible presence, reassurance, which encourages others to be involved. Patrols are able to walk up and start a conversation in a non-offensive and non-aggressive way which brings understanding to the story behind the perpetrators behaviour, a rich opportunity to likely impact their behaviour, doing what police cannot do. Your coordinated approach is able to pick up hotspots often encouraging criminal activities to withdraw and lonely places which help people to feel assured.”
NEXT PATROLS : Newtown, Lawrence Hill, Easton, and St. Pauls on Saturday and Sunday 30th – 31st October. VOLUNTEERS ARE WELCOME via emailing peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com Ref: Oct/Vol
NEXT PATROL: ‘Peace Angels PRAYER PATROLS will be in Upper Eastville and Fishponds AREA Wednesday 1st September 2021 BETWEEN 12 NOON TO 2.30 PM if you would like to join with us in any of the two areas please contact us via the CONTACT US Page www.peacemakersprayerpatrol.com or Email directly to peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com
To report crime here please use our Prayer & Safety Alert phone line on 0845 468 0114 (**Please note that 0845 numbers are more costly to ring, whether you're calling from a landline or mobile.)
2nd Sound the Alarm PEACEMAKERS PRAYER PATROL online prayer call ‘Safer City’ Featured Special Guest Speaker is Bristol Police Commander, Superintendent Mark Runacres, of Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Friday 27th August 2021, at 12.30 via Google Meet Link.
Sign into Google meet Account and use the GOOGLE MEET LINK BELOW to join the meet anytime ATER 11 am https://meet.google.com/uem-yynt-zzy
However, Meet won’t start until 12noon on the Day
PEACEMAKERS Chief and Police Commander will be talking about the benefits, impact, and effects of local initiatives like PEACE Patrols that are geared towards helping to create safer streets and communities, and how he sees this fitting within the overall Policing and Safety of our Cities.
“This promises to be very interesting and engaging interesting – and one you do not want to miss!”
We will be joined by some of the Prayer City safety Patrollers, Lorna Supria CEO Taking Back our Streets London, Prayer Patrol Rep in New York, and Prayer Rep in Nigeria, and hopefully friends from Jamaica. Look forward to seeing, learning, and praying with you.
Please pass this information to anyone whom you think might be interested or that may benefit from this opportunity. Please use our Contact US form, the Prayer Request TAB, or Email: peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com. for inquiries and to get more information
If you are interested but unable to attend and have prayer needs or concerns that you wish to share privately for prayer. Email us directly at peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com.
We have been made aware that sometimes people do not wish to be seen during online MeetUPs this is totally understandable. You can do so safely by muting Camera beforeclicking the Join now link, you will be totally hidden and no one will be able to see you. However, you must remember If they do not wish to speak or wish to hide your background noises, they can do so either by Muting their Mic either before joining or during the event. To participate simply unmute your audio.
Thank you and look forward to you joining us on Friday, 27th August 2021 at Midday!
NEXT PATROL: ‘Peace Angels will be in Upper Eastville and Fishponds from Midday Wednesday 1st September, if you would like to join with us in any of the two areas please contact us via the CONTACT US Page or Email directly to peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com
There are myriads of angels all around us every day.
What are angels? And what do they do? Angels are heavenly protectors, guides, helps, messengers, of peace and goodness.
Though mostly invisible in form, nevertheless their presence has been felt most effectively during those times when we most needed a miracle or a way up, and out.
We are not called to worship nor to build alters to Angels, but to simply acknowledge that they exist, and are always available and accessible.
Most of us were taught that angels have wings, and I am one that has experienced the kindnesses and good deeds of those without wings, whose grace and genteel manner was just as angelic.
COMING SOON: As the UK opens up after the Lockdown, PEACEMAKERS is also preparing to launch a new Peace Angels pilot, here in Bristol.
The stories following the 2020 Covid pandemic is not like anything the world could have envisioned as we came to the close of 2019. At that time PEACEMAKERS issued a CALL to PRAYER, inviting people to join them on the streets of Bristol and globally, to pray forgiveness, healing, and closure for the old – and blessings and favor for the new. The invitation was met with a mediocre response reflecting a business as usual attitude to prayer and the power of unified prayers.
As we approach the end of 2020 PEACEMAKERS is sending out a Global Invitation to join with the Bristol Prayer Patrol and City Safety Patrols as they embark on 7 days online Prayerthon, which will include a Prayer Circle Meetup in Bristol.
The online Prayerthon will begin at 6 am on Monday 14th December 2020 and ending at 6 pm Sunday 20th. The Prayer Circle Meetup will be towards the front entrance of Eastville Park on Saturday 19th, at 2 pm for 1hour.
We are asking people to send PRAYERS via this Website www.peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com by clicking on the COMMENTS Tab and posting your prayers there. The Prayers will then be uploaded to the Prayerthon Page. We aim to Print them as sent, so please do check your content and spelling carefully before posting. Individuals may post as many times as possible over this period.
The Global Prayer topic for the outgoing year 2020 is FORGIVENESS, HEALING, and CLOSURE.
The Global Prayer Topic for the upcoming year 2021 is SAFETY, PEACE, HEALTH, and PROSPERITY.
Please pass on this post to your family and friends. Together in harmony, we will help to create a powerful Vibration of Good on the Planet.
We are asking people to send PRAYERS via this Website www.peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com by clicking on the COMMENTS Tab and posting your prayers there. The Prayers will then be uploaded to the Prayerthon Page you can view it HERE
With the UK Prime Minister lifting the COVIV-19 lockdown regulations regarding outdoor spaces, some indoor spaces, including many local businesses and organizations, schools are set to reopen in September. The decision to reopen has been met with mixed reactions. For some families, there are deeper concerns for their children around the risks arising from uncertainties of classroom and playground integration.
And even though it has been announced that procedures are in place to secure safe bubbles between teachers and classroom groups, nevertheless there remains a certain level of tension, anger, and fear in the air.
PEACEMAKERS Patrols are well known for the air of Peace and general harmony they create in areas they patrol. Teams of Patroler have been patrolling around schools and Cycle Tract in Easton, Whitehall, and Fishponds areas of Bristol wielding their super energetic prayer presence during the Summer Holidays.
And to comply with Government Guidelines all indoor and most outdoor activities have been canceled to date, except for the newly formed PEACEMAKERS City Safety Prayer Patrol Bubble. These have been patrolling around Schools over the holidays’ and will continue to do other street patrols in local neighborhoods, lanes, parks, cycle tracts, and shopping centers.
“We are very much looking forward to taking our Community Safety Awareness presentations inside the Schools when it becomes safe for us to do so,” says Chief Commissioner, City Safety Patrols, Bristol.
**NEW PEACEMAKERS City Safety 24/7 Prayer Careline
Aware that there are still danger, fear, and risks around the virus situation both in the UK and abroad PEACEMAKERS have today acquired a new Prayerfone with 24 hours 7 days a week access.
084 5468 0114
N.B Our 084 Number is charged at a fixed rate of 5p per minute plus the caller’s phone provider’s access charge
Upcoming Patrols in Bristol
Monday, 31st August
12.00 Noon Bannerman Road School, Easton
2.00 pm St. Nicholas School, Old Market
Tuesday 1st September
2.30 pm Fishponds Church of England Academy, Fishponds
COMING SOON!Recruitment and Training for December’s say NO to Drink and Drive Campaign
PEACEMAKERS are looking for New Prayer Patrol and City Safety Patrols
Eastville Park
I am certain that you will agree that as a people, a city, a nation, country, and indeed the whole world, that our atmosphere and land, has been severely affected and disrupted by the COVID pandemic, and the brutal murder of George Floyd by a Police Officer in the US. The 8 minutes 46-seconds video of his sufferings and death was devastating, stirring outrage against racial injustice, which sparked mass marches, demonstrations, and protests in support of the CALL for racial justice worldwide. The PEACEMAKERS Prayer Circle on 1st July will generate a spiritual atmospheric charge to shift and renew, healing for health, justice for fairness, and a sense of protection and safety for everyone locally, nationally, and globally.
Are you willing to be ONE who helps to make a difference for your city, and for the George Floyds of our world? Are you ready to be involved in something that will create a vibration that sets in motion the sort of climate change we need, such as healing after the pandemic, fairness in the judicial, educational, and political systems Nationally and Globally? Will you be a part of the CALL for safer streets where EVERYONE feels safe and protected?Please help us pray a better, fairer, just world
Guardians of the Planet
“This is a WAKE-UP CALL and NOW is the Time for us to arise to action,” says the Reverend Dawnecaia Palmer, Peacemakers Prayer Chief Commissioner. “The pandemic, the ingrained racial injustice and inequality, has caused fear, suffering, death, and financial distress for many. Enough is ENOUGH. PEACEMAKERS will now rise up as guardians of our planet to pray the cures, the healings, and the TRANSFORMATION we so desperately need for our Atmosphere and Land at this time. Conscious prayer is the antidote. Consious Prayers are fervent prayers. Scriptures says ‘the fervent prayer of ONE produces much.’ There is a grave amount of people that are hurting in our world today. They need our prayer support. In fact, all people need prayer.
Today, I stand as ONE, and I am inviting you all to take up your positions as ONE with me, in this endeavour to recalibrate our world. To such a vision I announce WE CAN. I declare WE SHALL. I decree WE WILL. Amen”
Be ONE to stand together with us as ONE, on the 1st of July?
Help to cleanse the atmosphere, and heal our lands, from the ongoing/after-effects of the virus, hate, injustice, and inequalities.
Our faith, love, and prayers CAN and WILL make a mighty difference.
Organizers’ Requests :
We are asking participants to Please pay special attention to keep to the 2 meters social distancing health code when creating or joining the Prayer Circle.
All persons may be required to wear masks throughout (subject to the Government’s rule at the time) **Please do not hug or shake hands
N.B. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before 1.00 pm. Please carry a small bottle of water and a mat or picnic blanket with you. If you are not feeling well, or have been infected even if you have recovered, PLEASE kindly stay at home and prayer-cover those on the frontline.
PRAYER PATROLS AND CITY SAFETY PATROLS will be out and about on the streets of Bristol for 7 days starting 18th December through 24th December 2019.
They will be spreading their message of peace and safety, and goodwill to all men by way of encouraging NO to Drink and Driving.
The Patrols visited schools in order to share about their endeavors to help keep Bristol safe and as the season of festivities gets underway so too the levels of drink and driving crimes. The Reverend Palmer and her team of well-wishers hope that their presence will act as a deterrent and reminder to potential offenders. She says “I hope that our little efforts over the period leading up to Christmas will help to lower accidents resulting from drinking and driving so that all may enjoy a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.”
The dates for ‘No to Drink and Driving’ patrols are as follows:
Wednesday – December 18th morning Cabot Circus Shopping Mall.
Thursday – December 19th afternoon Broadmead Galleries.
Friday- December 20th evening Easton.
Saturday – December 21st morning Fishponds.
Sunday – December 22nd morning Watershed @ Bristol.
Monday – December 23rd Old afternoon City covering King & Queen Square and Castle Park.
Tuesday – December 24th morning St. Pauls covering Stokes Croft
A global network of prayer, a force for good, a beneficial presence in the earth: to bless, protect, and actively engage with local communities.