In the Spirit of Justice we the Peacemakers pray that justice will reign and that the souls of the innocent will find peace.
Injustice has taken place, ravishing the Country of Pakistan and the rest of the world with fear sorrow and terror. Yet there is still the the brave, the hopeful, whose hearts remains fixed on the truth that cannot die, knowing although the outer perishes yet there remains the essential part of man, the soul that lives on ever before the face of God. And it is in the face of God in that we see the reflection of these innocent children, cut down like a young tree, before their time of budding or the bringing forth of fruit; and of such is our lament. We share with the mothers and fathers in their grief, our single comfort is knowing that to be absent from this earthly body is to be ever present in our perfection in God. I believe that it is only when mankind ceases from this infernal separation, which denies the Eternal Oneness of Spirit, which is the life/breath of God as the very life/breath of every individual; that these abominable acts will cease to pervade our world.
We need to recognize that the life of God is the life of all. That it is one life, not two or three or multiple numerals, no, just ONE LIFE. When we begin to grasp and understand this truth, then there will be an unraveling of competing fears, shallow misconceptions and perceptions born and rooted in religious fanaticism which is based on Separatism.
God is love. Love doth not destroy. Love loveth. Let us use the Love Checker as the common denominator in all cases to check and see what we really believe. The love Checker will always reveal the truth of our beliefs. Knowing that whatsoever is for destruction is not of God, whatever the promise. The bottom line is that whatever is not of Love is a big fat lie. Lies destroy lives, produces fear, stirs up hatred and malice by creating a false illusion of separation which sometimes leads to extremism and gross cowardice such as the deliberate planning to take innocent lives then to also destroy one’s self.
My prayer is this. “May the revelation that The Life of God is my life, and that my life is the same life in every other person, become a revolution by which our world be saved from these inhumane massacres.” I use the word inhumane here in my prayers because it is not the human inherit nature to destroy. It is written that man was made in the image of God, and that God is life, goodness and love. Therefore we must deduce then that the death, hatred and these violent acts upon innocent men women and children, are definitely, definitely not connect to the all good, which we call God.