January – A Global Prayer for our World
“Let Peace reign in the hearts of men women and children everywhere”.
“May our global prayers be an enigma for hope protection and security, until at one with Life the Christ is born in each, fully God fully man, and inner peace realized by all.
“I give thanks to the Lord of all living, for our World. I give thanks for Its evolving and unfolding, through a perfect mixture of colors status age or stature – as my brother my sister my father my mother, grandparents and great ones alike, of aunts and uncles with nieces and nephews and cousins, also the extended family of in-laws and step-ones too. And so it is with thanksgiving and celebration I pray, Let Life live its full Magnificence within us each so that when we meet anyone we might see Thy reflection through them as the very portrait of one’s self“.
– written by Reverend Palmer