Since the 16th January the Peacemakers Mission have seen an increase in SignUps from varying parts of the globe to Pray daily for 18 of the 206 Countries of the World.
“It is one thing to pray for World Peace, but it is only as individuals find peace with his or her self in God, that we begin to advance toward communal peace. And this is our Prayer”, says Reverend Palmer coordinator for the Mission.
“It is as if I know them personally,” the Rev continued, “Each time I pray I realize just how much we are all part of the whole, and that gives me great hope. There seems to be so much bad news reporting almost every time you flick on the television and radio or read the newspapers. But we can change this by focusing on the the good potentiality of each person; and prayer gives us the best opportunity to do so. That is why we are inviting everybody to participate in this noble vision through the drop down SignUp form on the site.”
In February the list of a further 17 Countries will be published.
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