Tag Archives: New

PEACEMAKERS Global Prayer Mission for April


Peacemakers are asking people to SignUp and join them in their Global Prayer Mission for April, to pray for the 17 Countries listed below.  Each month 17 or 18 countries are specifically selected for prayer, as part of the Peacemakers Vision to Prayer Patrolling the whole world in 2016, country by country.

Block D:   Gambia The, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, HaitiVatican City, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia.

“I believe  that through ongoing collective prayers we are createing a supermagnifabilocious fortified field of goodness, and a magnificent presence on our planet. We must hold and maintain the vision that love, hope and peace is the climatory environment throughout the earth.

It’s a challenge to stay clear of the racus of bad news which often premeate the media.  And this we shall do, if we but set our intentions to right, seeing our atonement with Life, and insisting that we always hold a high frequency of gratitude.

It is high time to shake off the superstitions and suspicions, delete the outdated preset judgements, that only tends to immoral thinking and fake righteousness, and instead let’s think God, and get on with the imminent businesss of an awesome vision, the global mission of prayer patroling our beloved world.”

–  Reverend  Dawnecia Palmer (3:16)

EASTER BUNNIES? Prayer Patrols in Bristol’s Shopping Malls and Suburbs

Teams of Prayer Patrols will once again be seen on walkabouts around the streets of Bristol, over the Easter Holidays.

ppwiderThe first Team is set to carry out their Patrols in the Borough of Easton on (Maundy) Thursday 24th March 2016. They will begin at 5 pm at the bottom Warrick Avenue/Fox Road, at the very spot where they held their first Prayer Vigil.  This was also the launch pad for the Respect4Life March in 2005, in respect of Taxi driver Colin Winstone, husband and father of two that was robbed and brutally stabbed to death. BBC NEWS.

Then in lieu of the tragedy, the Reverend Palmer and members of her tiny Patrol Team at the time, kept vigil daily during the investigative process; and thankfully the perpetrator was brought to justice.  After this, the teams stayed in place and working with other groups and alongside the police, continued to patrol the area.  They were out sometimes up to 4 times per week and several times during a given day, depending on the crime statistics of the day. The area has improved a lot since then.

Somalians join with Patrols in a March for Peace 2010

Whilst the new Patrols will not be going out in order to deal with street crime, in particular, they have made it clear that they are nonetheless just as effective in creating transformation and Peaceful communities, by being a visible presence of inspiration, motivation and Blessing in any area they physically patrol.  Through this website Peacemakers Prayer Patrols have become global agents of change, by creating a service for people to leave their PRAYER REQUESTS and get support at any time.

The ‘Easter Bunnies’ second Prayer Patrol will be on (Good) Friday 25th March 2016, in the St. Paul’s area, starting at Midday outside the Learning Center on Grosvenor Road and ending around 3 pm outside Hamilton House on Stokes Croft.   St Paul’s was the ‘Home ground’ for Prayer Patrols. The Bristol Peace Embassy office and base for all their indoor activities also located here.  See Our History, also the links: Prayer Patrol in the News, and  Bristol M Shed Museum Archives of Prayer Patrol. “St Paul’s has been totally revamped in terms of violent street crime and community safety”.   Says the Rev, “And I am really looking forward to this one.  It should be really interesting”.

The third and final Patrol in this series will take place around the main Shopping Malls in Broadmead and Cabot Circus on (Easter) Saturday 26th March 2016, from 1 pm to 3 pm. Then later at night, the will patrol the Quay, one of Bristol’s main Nightlife, starting at 9 pm.

Bless our cityThe Rev is asking anyone who is interested in going out with a team to get in touch first, either by using the CONTACT US below or by email to peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com




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    It is called a new year, and so many people are wishing hoping praying even dying for the change they desire to see in their lives circumstances and situations.

    Some will be investing vast amounts into projects, trips, inventions, classes courses, etc in the attempt to kick start a change.

    So what is it that make us view the idea of a new calendar year as THE solution for renewal? Here you must stop and reflect and answer for yourself because only  you can answer this.  And each persons’ answer will reflect their personal assessments and desires.

    This inherit tug towards Light or Change is real for all of us.  This ever unfolding of ourselves towards a higher better more perfect selfhood being, has been the most sought after existential quality since the beginning of time.  The Bible is one such book that relates the story of the first Beings on earth to reach out from beyond their already perfectly formed selfhood and sourrounding, in order to seek the advice and instructions and wisdom of an entity from without.  The results of such an adventure we are told is the backdrop for the illusion of the pain and sufferings we see and hear  about in the news media of our world today.

    So how can this be the start of A New Year A New Year for You?


    I must let you in on the secret which is really no secret because the truth is it has been around before the beginning of time. You see once you get this truth, I mean really get it….The happy YOU  you are searching for is already at hand within you.  Your true self and Divine nature is waiting  to express and to be experienced. This self that has always been at hand.  It is perfect,  being one with Life and is accessible to you Now, without charge.  But has been hidden for the ages through superstitions, ignorance, greed, manipulation and fear.

    However,  for my example today I will here use the man Jesus, as a reference point and as one such individual who as Christ within his earth span years, showed and proved to the world that it is  possible both to attain and maintain a beingness of wholeness, goodness, forgiveness and love which transcends our physicality, space and time.

    And so it is, that you must begin by generating a feeling tonality of being grateful to Life within your breath.  Thrive to believe in the goodness it is within you and that it is your birthright.  Then trust that the Substance of All goodness, healing and forgiveness is yours to partake and enjoy Now.  Aim to claim and proclaim it straight away!  For this is your way to the Happy You and not just another New Year.  This is the Lifeline to a Lifetime acceptance of Peace Joy Abundance and Love.

    Wishing you a totally ‘Happy You’ and a Substantially Happy and Abundant Life, throughout 2016.