Tag Archives: Global Prayers


Desperate times calls for desperate measures, and, Prayer is one of those desperate measures. Not that it should need desperate times for us to attend to prayer, but, O how desperately our world need our prayers right NOW!

And so, in this season of Grace, we pray Peace. We lift hearts, voice and souls. I pray….

Bypassing the boundaries of age, colour, creed, borders of country divides, orientation, status, age and size. Plunge in deep, on knees, in yielded silence, or perhaps with loud gusto! make that clarion call for PEACE!

Let Peace reign in hearts and minds.

What will it take? This we gladly give, peacefully, generously.

Hearts ablaze with Peace, may we see each one a Brother, a Sister, Mother, Father, Son, Daughter.  One Family under God!

On this 1st day of March in the year Two Thousand and Twenty-two Beseeching, Pronouncing, Announcing, Decreeing, Proclaiming …. LET THERE BE PEACE and let it begin in me. AMEN. Ashay. Ameen.

A Prayer Call for Peace
written by Reverend Dr Dawnecia Palmer
Chief Commissioner, PEACEMAKERS
1st March 

Click Here for short Clip 'LET PEACE BEGIN WITH ME' https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxHXdNxIORL7YHfoxm4o60-vAFxDL9Otpx


Peacemakers Prayer Patrol Global Prayer Mission : September 2016

Whilst a vast number of the individuals all over the world are  focused on a seemingly problematic  world, Peacemakers Prayer Patrols focus is to bless humanity with prayers and loving thoughts for the upliftment of the entire world, in the awareness that all creation is held in the mind and bosom of Blessedness. And holding this vision, we pray ‘Let Peace Reign’.

WP_20160124_12_59_40_Pro “Our prayers works brilliantly, says Reverend Palmer,  and even though we hear of wars and rumours of wars in the media almost every day, I am absolutely conscious and resilient to a transparent knowing that good prevails, no matter what they say. We have got to hold this vision. And as more and more of us hold the vision of a peaceful universe, vibrating peace through everything and everyone, eventually it will break through the illusions of fear, panic, hatred and greed. The majority of people long for peace, but our leaders make preparations for war, this sends a mixed message to the universe.”

PPP Global Prayer Mission Focus for September is  as listed Below :

                                   BLOCK H                                       21st-September 30th 2016

 New Zealand

 Please sign up to join our 2016 Global Peace Mission for a culture of peace on earth and goodwill towards all humanity.

 "We pray believing that all is well, because someone has got to see it so. Someone has to raise the bar to high vibrations of inner eye seeing (insight) that all is well on behalf of humanity. 
Right now, in time, this may appear to some as a rather simplistic ideology, but is it not better to hope towards the good, than to wallow in the the aftermath of what has been, the destructions and fragmentations of dashed dreams? 
I think that it is high season to awaken to a call to service, to pray peace and abundant blessing for all of humanity. 
We need to begin to see as God sees, faithfully sending sunshine and rain upon the just and the unjust alike, and so we too must arise as conscious rain through our peace-full thoughts upon this pleading earth, until there is peace, respect and safety for all. 
For the sake of mankind and the future of our planet, I let it be, and in faith proclaims, and so it is"

'Peaceful Earth' - by Reverend Palmer 
September 28th, 2016


Peacemakers Global Prayer Mission for August

Over the next 14 days Peacemakers Prayer Patrols will intensify their awareness in Prayer and Gratitude for the 14 Countries as  listed below:


14 Countries from 17th to 31st August 

 Marshall Islands
**Whilst we are specifically naming these 14 countries this month, we wish to make it clear that we are always, in the continuum, recognising the oneness of our world. We are Blessing the whole, at the same time, within our awareness that all Nations are connected through the one, the all good, and glorious flow of Life. Our Prayer, as it stand for this year, Let Love reign. Let Hope reign. Let there be Peace. And so it is, Amen.WP_20160815_17_19_16_Pro_LI (3)- One Global Family - photo taken Peace Garden, Bristol, 2015. 


Peacemakers 12 – Twelve Days, Twelve Countries – Global Prayer Mission

TwelveComfort ye Comfort ye! the resounding Intentional Prayer for our world, over the next twelve days; with a specific focus on those peoples and cities mourning the loss of loved ones, family, friends and neighbour.


Peace is possible, contrary to media reporting of mass conflicts, killings and terrorist operations. Peace is at hand.


We are bombarded by pictures of sorrow and suffering at every turn, we are hardly able to keep up with the funerals and so many stories of disasters, with little or no respect for life.  But, be not afraid. Be not afraid to expect and anticipate Peace.  Because, in fear a person pulls out his gun against another, fearing that he may do again that which has been done unjustly. Fear it seems, invading the minds of the nations, through the media.

The playing fields of the human race have become grossly unleveled by fear, greed and suspicions. Foolishly, people are accepting lies. Surrounding themselves with a great measure of hopelessness which has led to revenge and retaliation, and the fallacy, which says that there are degrees of murder, and the right to take a life without permission. And over the years, this perpetuated lie has been allowed to run around untamed, sprung out a stink which says that it is ok to kill the person which beforehand, did kill another person.

We are being groomed to say that this type of tripe is justice. But I tell you this day, regardless of whether it wears the hood of black, brown or white skin tones, nonuniformed or uninformed; the sort of barbarism we read about and watch is no justice at all.  It is the basest of imaging, it is a sickness, an epidemic perpetuated by fear, endangering the very fibre of our planet.

Does it make sense for the law which says do not kill to kill in response to kill? Does it make sense for someone who is against the law to try to kill a person who upholds the law? Is thIs our only option? Hatred perpetuates hatred. If a person kills to get attention to himself or to obtain a prize or to teach that person or group a lesson, can we not see that this idea is insensible, fictitious and totally not making a difference at all. Life cannot be killed. We have to get this truth. It is fear that prompts any type of killing. Love is the opposite of love.

There remaineth Love, hope and faith, but the best and greatest is Love. We are all breathing the same air. That is right! There is not one bit of air for you and another bit for another. And we cannot control it either, no matter what scientist tells us. The fact is that Life was around long before it created mankind, although we are fast becoming man-mean.  It has been said ‘by any mean necessary..’ but that too is futile. There is a way. And it is not rocket science either.


gunsEvery living soul , whatever the age, colour, creed, status or wealth, each, is responsible, to preserve and protect life, in or through whatsoever form it lives. Life is ONE. No more excuses. Live and let live.

Please find below as on the Global Prayers – July page, the names of the countries that we are conscientiously praying for, this month. The next foot Patrols is on Saturday 26th July at Dodge city,  Nashville the music city of Tennessee.

BLOCK G  twelve 2

12 Countries from 19th to 31st July 2016



At the beginning of the year 2016, we were commissioned to pray for the world. Love, Hope and Peace is the charge. Six months in, and we have heard of scores of murders and all sorts of atrocities, on a global scale. We can choose to follow the charge and believe for change; or we can continually shift our focus to the terrible news reports of terror and fear. I recommend that we continue to pray, unceasingly, with great fervency and determination to see the invisible good, even amidst the illusions of chaos with its temporary disorder.

world of people2

“And so, in the wake of the Istanbul’s bombing, I pray.    I pray thanksgiving for the lives of the innocent dead. Strength comfort and healing for their relatives and friends. And reiterate the charge of love, hope and peace for the rest of us.”

While the killers are strategizing their next move to steal kill and destroy lives, I am hereby advocating a movement to protect, preserve and save lives. We might not all be able to perform the great action of actually stopping further murders, but, at least, we can all play a part.  world of peopleIf individuals would think of a country, and pray (an intentional thought for safety) for the people of that country, we would soon create ‘an intentional quota of goodwill’ for the preservation of dignity for the human race, where the safety and value for life is upheld, and permeates the whole world.

PEACEMAKERS Prayer Patrols Birthday Tribute and Prayer for the murdered British MP JO Cox



Bunches of yellow orchids in a large ornate vase, a set of three church candles, and a minute silence, as the candles were lit, by Reverend Palmer in memory of MP Jo Cox.

The Rev is who is currently in New York for Saturday’s Prayer Patrols, said that she wished that she was able to attend the Memorial event in London Trafalgar Square today and that it was unfortunate that she also could not to attend the other gatherings being held throughout the US.  WP_20160124_12_59_40_ProHowever, in true Peacemakers fashion,  prayer and thanksgiving were made in memory of Jo Cox,  who would have been 42 years old today.


The Tribute

Related image“Birthday remembrance for MP Jo Cox. I light these three candles, each one symbolic of the three spheres of this precious life. The first is for her personal essence which  she called ‘my Self’.  The second, for her role as a Mother – an extension and produce of that self.  And the third, for her ministry, which includes her role as a wife, a daughter, a friend etc. as well as her work and service which she undertook for the good of mankind and in the hope of a better world”

The Prayer

And so as Jo rests in the arms of God, to whom we commend her soul, knowing that she did not live nor hope in vain, we too with hope, as Peacemakers, grieve alongside those that are grieving.  praying hands and candle   We especially wish to remember and pray for her husband, and their children, parents, family and friends, and the global community as they gather in remembrance and celebration of her life.  May Love, Hope and Peace strengthen, and preserve them all at this time, that when the lights of the candles are dim and no more, may the love and hope shared today live on forever.”

“Let justice be done. May the causes for which Jo Cox lived and worked never be forgotten, nor taken lightly, but may the baton be taken up by another with the same vigour, until justice is done, and the equality of the whole human race.” – Rev Palmer

“I give thanks for Life. The human body dies, but the greater reality than this is, ‘LIFE NEVER DIES’. I love this truth. I pray that the truth of this reality will keep our own heart, mind and soul in hope. And in so doing that Life will grant to us in remembering our loved ones which have gone on before us, as not having lived in vain but as even living now, in our thoughts, and by our actions, may see the fruit of those things for which they both lived and died.

I speak Peace now, I let it be, and so it is. Amen”

See > HERE – MP Jo Cox Birthday BBC NEWS


ppp-banner                       DETROIT SHALL BE SAVED                        by THE SPIRIT OF GOD
WP_20160604_15_22_03_ProDetroit prayer patrol
Reverend Palmer, declaring         “The Spirit IN Detroit                 IS the Spirit OF God”         4th June 2016 AD/CE

The Diminutive figure of Bristol’s Peacemakers founder and Prayer Mogul, Dawnecia Palmer aka Apostle Palmer, was joined by Michigan dwellers for her first ‘real’ Prayer Patrol in the Downtown area of Detroit on Saturday afternoon, 4th June 2016.

“I have had several mini sessions since 2011, when I arrived in Michigan and first introduced the Initiative, until 2013.  It was very  to get a team together during this period because there were such divisions, dissensions, and resistance to the Vision. This kept them from really listening to hear or to see clearly what the Vision really looked like.   There were several counterfeit attempts, over this time, until, in I finally gave up trying in and returned to the UK.  However, like the Prophet Jonah, I was reinstructed by the Spirit, at the end of 2015, to ‘go back to Michigan with the same Vision.’  So, without consulting flesh and blood, I determined in my heart to carry out the Mission as I was at first so Commissioned to do. And this I did.                THE COMMISSION according to 2nd Corinthians 3:15-18; 4:1          A few days before the actual event took place,  I connected with Apostle Hodge of the Good News Station TV and Good Tree Ministries.

WP_20160604_15_19_27_ProHe was delighted to hear about the upcoming patrols.  And although he was not able to join us on the day, he was in full support of the Vision, and thankfully he faithfully sounded the alarm out to several Outreach Ministries, and Prayer groups. within Detriot and other surrounding areas”

(To the top far right: >  Ellen Pike of The Eagles Nest1, praying with folks after the Patrols and          Below left:  < Bill Pike also of Eagles Nest1, taking a break after Prayer Patroling around the huge  Central Hall Building. WP_20160604_13_36_51_ProWP_20160604_15_15_35_ProWP_20160604_15_19_37_Pro


Above/top right: Apostle Grateful. Krist of Brightmoor Christian Ctr.

<Immediate Left: Dan from Apostle Daryl  and Margeaux of Brightmoor Christian Centre

Below Right: > Denise and friend of Eagles Nest 2

<Below Left: Apostle Daryl sitting on the Promenade

WP_20160604_15_18_21_ProWP_20160604_15_19_40_ProWP_20160604_15_18_59_ProMinistry Team on the move ; on the streets of Downtown Detroit

            The Commission for Detroit 
     according to 2nd Corinthians 3:15-18; 4:1   
           - Apostle Grateful 4.06.2016 - 

Peacemakers Global Prayer MISSION continues:11 Days of intense Prayers for our World

John the baptist “Over the next eleven days, as we draw to the close of the month of May, let us pool our prayers together, praying intensely one Country per day.”                                                                                                                                                           See the names of the Counties are listed here pointing fingers Global Prayer Patrols May 2016

Could it be that we still not fully convinced?

All things are possible to Him that believeth….Scripture.

        Please join us, and draw near to the source of PEACE, with unwavering hearts, for11 days of intense prayers for our world.

Please CLICK HERE to see the Prayers for May 22nd – May 23rd

Please CLICK HERE to see the Prayers for May 24th – May 25th

Please CLICK HERE to see the Prayer for 25th May – 26th May

Please CLICK HERE to see the Prayer for May 27th – May 28th

Please CLICK HERE to see the Prayers for 29th May – 30th May

Please CLICK HERE to see the Prayer for 31st May 2016





PEACEMAKERS Global Prayer Mission for April


Peacemakers are asking people to SignUp and join them in their Global Prayer Mission for April, to pray for the 17 Countries listed below.  Each month 17 or 18 countries are specifically selected for prayer, as part of the Peacemakers Vision to Prayer Patrolling the whole world in 2016, country by country.

Block D:   Gambia The, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, HaitiVatican City, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia.

“I believe  that through ongoing collective prayers we are createing a supermagnifabilocious fortified field of goodness, and a magnificent presence on our planet. We must hold and maintain the vision that love, hope and peace is the climatory environment throughout the earth.

It’s a challenge to stay clear of the racus of bad news which often premeate the media.  And this we shall do, if we but set our intentions to right, seeing our atonement with Life, and insisting that we always hold a high frequency of gratitude.

It is high time to shake off the superstitions and suspicions, delete the outdated preset judgements, that only tends to immoral thinking and fake righteousness, and instead let’s think God, and get on with the imminent businesss of an awesome vision, the global mission of prayer patroling our beloved world.”

–  Reverend  Dawnecia Palmer (3:16)

2016 Global Prayer Patrol Mission Continues

Peacemakers are determined to honor their quest to cover the world with prayer with a vision for love, hope and peace.  Listed below are the 17 Countries selected specifically for the Month of April.

“Our Global Prayer Mission continues.  We are focusing on remembering and embracing these particular Countries, their peoples, the social, financial and spiritual climate at this time. We are passionate about the harmonizing good that is possible through prayers.  Prayer is a mighty force for good” says the Reverend Palmer, as the Team prepare for another seventeen days of Focal prayers. ” Prayer Patrollers are encouraged to carry out their personal Spiritual practices daily,  so  that it is from this place of Prayer, that care and love outflow as the Mission to pray for our fellow beings and ultimately for our world.”

BLOCK D      

17 Countries from 14th to 30th April 2016

 Gambia, The – Islamic Republic of the Gambia
 Germany – Federal Republic of Germanyu
 Ghana – Republic of Ghana
 Greece – Hellenic Republic
 Guatemala – Republic of Guatemala
 Guinea – Republic of Guinea[Note 19]
 Guinea-Bissau – Republic of Guinea-Bissau
 Guyana – Co-operative Republic of Guyana
 Haiti – Republic of Haiti
Holy See → Vatican City
 Honduras – Republic of Honduras
 Iceland[Note 20]
 India – Republic of India
 Indonesia – Republic of Indonesia

” Let us not be put off by what we hear or see with the external eye, but endeavor to look with the inner eye and see the change that is possible, thus praying with right seeing, regardless of manifestation at the time of doing so., keep holding to a promise written sometime ago which states  ” ..and hope, which makes us not ashamed”

 – Reverend Dawnecia Palmer