MAY: A Time of Hope

“For me, May means Hope. May is a time for HOPE, and HOPE makes one unashamed.” – Quote by Reverend Dawnecia Palmer

How these words sink into the very depth of the soul, filling all empty spaces with this glorious entity call HOPE. Here is the entry way to eternal rest. This was the promise of Jesus, the Christ to the world then. But for us today, in the twenty-first century, this still rings true for us, we do find our rest in HOPE.

HOPE: Heaven’s Open Promise on Earth. In hope and through hope we have access to things eternal. And this peace. This is rest. Right here and right now.

In this fifth month of each year, just before the half way stage, we get this stark reminder, as the month May. You may, I may, we may.  It is possible. All things are possible to those who believe. It has been said, “Take a leap of faith into the dark unknown”.  But I say to you today, “Jump! Go ahead, take a leap of faith into the light of all-knowingness, into all goodness, which is within you.”  This is the shift that takes place when one chooses to let go of their ‘what ifs’ and their incessant ‘buts’ to enter into the glorious state of ‘YES’.

May, is a word that works on the subconscious levels to bring us the reality we are seeking. It is ok to say Yes, and the truth is, that you will never know until you do.

After much meditation on the idea of May as Hope, a
whole new realm opened up to me. It is significant that it is the fifth month.  Five is significant on many fronts, examples: we speak about five senses of the body – sight, hearing, smell, taste and feeling. The five fingers of the hand. And five toes for the feet. I take in consideration and celebration those born without the full use of these faculties. There are also the five Elements of nature – Earth, air, water, fire, and ether or Air, fire, water, wood and metal.
May3“By this way of seeing and revealing, May then becomes a wonderful word of hope, a shift, spring time as grace, an unpredictable action, of many beautiful, spontaneous adventures.”


Check out>Peacemakers Global Prayer 2016 is Love, Hope, Peace

Written by the Reverend Dawnecia Palmer, 
Peace Ambassador, UPF an NGO with The United Nations

PEACEMAKERS Global Prayer Mission for April


Peacemakers are asking people to SignUp and join them in their Global Prayer Mission for April, to pray for the 17 Countries listed below.  Each month 17 or 18 countries are specifically selected for prayer, as part of the Peacemakers Vision to Prayer Patrolling the whole world in 2016, country by country.

Block D:   Gambia The, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, HaitiVatican City, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia.

“I believe  that through ongoing collective prayers we are createing a supermagnifabilocious fortified field of goodness, and a magnificent presence on our planet. We must hold and maintain the vision that love, hope and peace is the climatory environment throughout the earth.

It’s a challenge to stay clear of the racus of bad news which often premeate the media.  And this we shall do, if we but set our intentions to right, seeing our atonement with Life, and insisting that we always hold a high frequency of gratitude.

It is high time to shake off the superstitions and suspicions, delete the outdated preset judgements, that only tends to immoral thinking and fake righteousness, and instead let’s think God, and get on with the imminent businesss of an awesome vision, the global mission of prayer patroling our beloved world.”

–  Reverend  Dawnecia Palmer (3:16)

2016 Global Prayer Patrol Mission Continues

Peacemakers are determined to honor their quest to cover the world with prayer with a vision for love, hope and peace.  Listed below are the 17 Countries selected specifically for the Month of April.

“Our Global Prayer Mission continues.  We are focusing on remembering and embracing these particular Countries, their peoples, the social, financial and spiritual climate at this time. We are passionate about the harmonizing good that is possible through prayers.  Prayer is a mighty force for good” says the Reverend Palmer, as the Team prepare for another seventeen days of Focal prayers. ” Prayer Patrollers are encouraged to carry out their personal Spiritual practices daily,  so  that it is from this place of Prayer, that care and love outflow as the Mission to pray for our fellow beings and ultimately for our world.”

BLOCK D      

17 Countries from 14th to 30th April 2016

 Gambia, The – Islamic Republic of the Gambia
 Germany – Federal Republic of Germanyu
 Ghana – Republic of Ghana
 Greece – Hellenic Republic
 Guatemala – Republic of Guatemala
 Guinea – Republic of Guinea[Note 19]
 Guinea-Bissau – Republic of Guinea-Bissau
 Guyana – Co-operative Republic of Guyana
 Haiti – Republic of Haiti
Holy See → Vatican City
 Honduras – Republic of Honduras
 Iceland[Note 20]
 India – Republic of India
 Indonesia – Republic of Indonesia

” Let us not be put off by what we hear or see with the external eye, but endeavor to look with the inner eye and see the change that is possible, thus praying with right seeing, regardless of manifestation at the time of doing so., keep holding to a promise written sometime ago which states  ” ..and hope, which makes us not ashamed”

 – Reverend Dawnecia Palmer



Easter Prayer Patrol Feedback

The three days Peacemakers Easter Prayer Patrols in Bristol was a blast! We wish to thank our ‘Prayer Shields’ for covering us in prayer as we patrolled the streets, especially for the late night Patrol in the heart of Bristol’s nightlife area.  I am pleased to announce that all went well! There were no adverse situations.  In fact it was all pleasantness and openness. We truly felt protected and had great favor with the city. We had many supermagnifabulocious opportunities to witness, and touch base with the local community. It was really great to pray with all the folks that we came in contact with over this Easter Prayer Patrol Triathon.

Maundy Thursday – The start of the Easter Prayer Patrol Triathon Feedback
WP_20160324_17_02_55_ProMinister Shuanna-lee Samuel paying tribute to the memory of Colin Winston, the taxi driver who was brutally robbed and murdered at this very spot, eight years ago. This was also the starting point for the 1st Easton Prayer Patrols.

We began the first Patrol at  old Pub on Fox Road. We said prayers for Colin Winston’s family, and prayed for the safety of taxi drivers and their families every where. Although it was raining heavily, we continued to patrol the areas close by, and it was not long before the rain ceased and we were able to stop and speak with, and pray with folks.  WP_20160324_17_02_30_ProOne person we spoke with asked if  we would pray for her to have more patience…even though it sounded like a tall order, we knew that with God all things are possible. We were glad that we could be there for her.  I later thought about her request and even though we had had quite a few other requests up to this point, her honesty grabbed my attention and holds it still.  Here we were along the main Stapleton Road High Street, with its many shops and businesses, yet not one of these could supply the solution for this young lady’s need. Hers’ was not a commodity to bottled, tinned or packaged. It was not to be found on a shelf nor on the rails in any of these stores. What she needed was to be connected to the Source of Patience, and we were there as a reminder and advocate, to infuse her with comfort and a knowingness, empathy, understanding.  And to note that her request is valid.  I began to think about how many young mothers like her that had become hooked on drugs as a way out or those that had found themselves taking their frustrations out on their kids or the others that had thrown in the towel when things seemed unbearable, and had completely missed their God given destiny.  But thankfully, in this case we were able to administer some encouraging words, prayers and advice.  Rev also briefly introduced her to TBP ( a deep breathing technique with affirmations) and there was such a relief on the young woman’s face as walked away with her children.  A few minutes later as I pondered about the honesty of the request, her willingness to listen and receive, and the change that I had seen upon her face, I knew that if this was all that happened over the Easter Prayer Patrols Triathon, it would have sufficed, because here we saw hope; a hope that made our hearts to rejoice. Amen.

WP_20160324_17_13_18_ProPraying at the East gate into the City







Good Friday – Easter Prayer Patrol Feedback    

 It felt good to be patrolling the streets of St Paul’s and Stokes Croft again.  There were many changes, new businesses and enterprise in the area, although we did meet several familiar faces.  It seemed a lot calmer and felt much safer as we walked along.   Someone we spoke with commented that they felt sure that the the area had became a lot safer over the years due to our presence.  For this we are truly grateful as there was definitely a sense of peace. Then an amazing thing happened for us, as we patrolled along the top of Ashley Road, a woman which we had not met before, came out of her house and wanted to know what we were doing, we explained about the Peacemakers Prayer Patrols, and afterwards said that she wanted to bless us, so she went back into her house and came back out with freshly baked hot cross buns, delicious homemade marmalade and napkins.

PP  Dorothy Hechavarria – St Paul’s Learning Centre WP_20160325_12_01_18_Pro


The Patrollers visited with several business places, including the famous Glen’s Food Bar on the grounds of the  Malcolm X Community Center in City Road.  And on Sussex Place they visited with a groovey Barbers, a newly opened Polish Supermarket, and a lovely little Craft and Grocers whose owners are originally from Sierra Leone …

WP_20160325_12_42_11_ProPictures in St Paul’s: Praying for safety, prosperity and favor in the newly opened Polish supermarket

WP_20160325_13_41_52_Pro WP_20160325_14_32_51_Pro

  On Stokes Croft               Around  Halston Drive


Hamilton House, a popular meeting place in the heart of the City.hamilton House

Continue reading Easter Prayer Patrol Feedback

*New: Prayer Patrol Alert! Pray for Brussels

Peacemakers Global  Prayer Mission has today sent out a Prayer Alert inviting pray-ers every where to join in Prayer for the city of Brussels and the victims of the recent terror attacks there.

“Our hearts and prayers goes out towards the people of Brussels at this time.” says Reverend Palmer, Facilitator for Peacemakers Prayer Patrols. “May the strong wind of Peace usher in a collective calm amidst the devastation of terror and fear.  We issue forth love, comfort and healing to those who grieve and are hurting.   Praying that there will be an overwhelming solidarity of support from the rest of humanity around the World, as they seek to rebuild and get on with living.”

Brussels is Belgium’s capital and home to the headquarters of the European Union

Image result for brussels

In January Belgium was on Block A,  the first monthly list  of 18 Countries scheduled to be prayed as part of PPP Global Prayer Mission. The Peacemakers Prayer Patrols were commissioned to invite pray-ers from every nation to join with them to pray for each of the 206 countries during 2016.  They would do this in Blocks of 18 countries per month over the 12 month period.

“There were several Signups but there should have been much much more.” says the Rev.  “I suppose if people really took the call seriously they would have been more alert to pray, to reach out, to watch.  Prayer is a powerful force for good.  When I was told about this act of injustice on Brussels this morning, the first though that crossed my mind was that this is an awful thing to happen, but how much more awful it might have been had we not prayed. We must not give in.  We must not give up. We must continue to pray.  We must be proactive in our prayers.  We cannot wait for some tragedy happen support our neighbors in prayer.  We must not wait for a specific event such as a Prayer Conference or a specific Day of Prayer. It must be a part of our awareness of our oneness in the Divine and each other. When will we see that separation is literally killing us.  Whilst governments must do what they must to secure their borders and to create safe areas to live, work, and play and to travel without fear.  We must pray for those who deliberately seek to steal, kill and destroy these freedoms.  Pray LOVE, HOPE, PEACE against which no hatred nor weapons can stand.”

What do we learn from these sinful deeds, done to innocent bystanders taken by unawares? It is this, the the people who planned and executed these acts, did not love nor have regards for Life.  Not their own, not the ones they cut down. And really tragically, not even God’s. There is only one Life not two nor three.  Not black nor white. The life of God is one life.  Life doth not seek to devour itself.  It is one life, in all.

No one group or person has the monopoly on life.

Although it may seem difficult to do,  the people of Brussels and the rest of the world must not give in to terror.  We must seek to rise above the fear and hold our vibrations high.  We must rally energies to unify on a common ground that everyone has the RIGHT TO LIVE.  The Love for Life must become greater than money and possession, status etc. Most people grew up never valuing life over money and status.  In fact most go through a whole 24 hr without ever becoming aware of the breath of life.  Is it little wonder that Ego plagues the tortured soul that does not know it’s true worth, and therefore seek not only to destroy others, which blames and hates, and also plans to destroys  itself.

In this Prayer alert for Brussels, Lets us pray then that love would seed every human heart, growing hope within each soul, until peace bud forth upon the earth everywhere .

The next set of 18 Countries (Block D) will be announced in April.

Adele Sends her love to Brussels with this Song

Prayer Alert – Pray for Pakistan

EASTER BUNNIES? Prayer Patrols in Bristol’s Shopping Malls and Suburbs

Teams of Prayer Patrols will once again be seen on walkabouts around the streets of Bristol, over the Easter Holidays.

ppwiderThe first Team is set to carry out their Patrols in the Borough of Easton on (Maundy) Thursday 24th March 2016. They will begin at 5 pm at the bottom Warrick Avenue/Fox Road, at the very spot where they held their first Prayer Vigil.  This was also the launch pad for the Respect4Life March in 2005, in respect of Taxi driver Colin Winstone, husband and father of two that was robbed and brutally stabbed to death. BBC NEWS.

Then in lieu of the tragedy, the Reverend Palmer and members of her tiny Patrol Team at the time, kept vigil daily during the investigative process; and thankfully the perpetrator was brought to justice.  After this, the teams stayed in place and working with other groups and alongside the police, continued to patrol the area.  They were out sometimes up to 4 times per week and several times during a given day, depending on the crime statistics of the day. The area has improved a lot since then.

Somalians join with Patrols in a March for Peace 2010

Whilst the new Patrols will not be going out in order to deal with street crime, in particular, they have made it clear that they are nonetheless just as effective in creating transformation and Peaceful communities, by being a visible presence of inspiration, motivation and Blessing in any area they physically patrol.  Through this website Peacemakers Prayer Patrols have become global agents of change, by creating a service for people to leave their PRAYER REQUESTS and get support at any time.

The ‘Easter Bunnies’ second Prayer Patrol will be on (Good) Friday 25th March 2016, in the St. Paul’s area, starting at Midday outside the Learning Center on Grosvenor Road and ending around 3 pm outside Hamilton House on Stokes Croft.   St Paul’s was the ‘Home ground’ for Prayer Patrols. The Bristol Peace Embassy office and base for all their indoor activities also located here.  See Our History, also the links: Prayer Patrol in the News, and  Bristol M Shed Museum Archives of Prayer Patrol. “St Paul’s has been totally revamped in terms of violent street crime and community safety”.   Says the Rev, “And I am really looking forward to this one.  It should be really interesting”.

The third and final Patrol in this series will take place around the main Shopping Malls in Broadmead and Cabot Circus on (Easter) Saturday 26th March 2016, from 1 pm to 3 pm. Then later at night, the will patrol the Quay, one of Bristol’s main Nightlife, starting at 9 pm.

Bless our cityThe Rev is asking anyone who is interested in going out with a team to get in touch first, either by using the CONTACT US below or by email to




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    Your Message

    PEACEMAKERS Sponsors Life

    Peacemakers Coordinator Reverend Palmer and several of the Prayer Patrollers are taking part in a local event next weekend. The Rev is the keynote Speaker for Life Universecity upcoming Soul Enrichment Seminar on Saturday 19th March, 2016.  This will be held in the city’s newly built Education Facility, the Junction 3 Library and Learning Centre, Easton.

    This particular site is of particular interest to the Rev and her Team.  This is one of the boroughs that they patrolled for 7 years. When they began, it was a volatile and dangerous part of the city for gangs, drugs, stabbings and robberies.  But it was not long after they were there that transformation begun taking place.

    Derelict buildings were demolished, and new affordable housing began to take shape. This was particularly wonderful because at that time there was a shortage of housing in that area. Now, there is also provision of several self-contained shopfront units under the flats, which creates new enterprise and employment.

    Central to the new development  is a stunning modern architecture which facilitates a library, conference and meeting rooms, with some technological equipment for use in house, and open spaces for reading and other activities.



    Prayer Patrols Blessing our Beautiful World

    “Life has place an awesome shared responsibility upon us to bless and care for our world.” – Reverend Dawnecia Palmer

    The words of the song below speaks of a Creator’s love and care for the world.   In like manner each of us as stewards of our world,  become creators of the change when we pray.  Through our prayers we become channels of blessings  for the environment within and around us, towards global peace and harmony.

    May Peace reign through love today, thereby filling each heart with a bright hope for tomorrow. As we let it be, so it is. Amen.


    PEACEMAKERs have committed to pray for daily during  this Month.  Please join us by filling out the SignUp form below and be a part of  the Global Prayer Patrol Mission for Peace.

    Happy March!!

    How quickly February passed and now the new month of March is upon us,  I pray and hope, that peace may reign in each person and in every place, throughout the entire world.

    Here at Peacemakers we continue our global mission to Prayer Patrol 16 Countries for the Month of March as listed below:

    MARCH – BLOCK C     ( from 3rd to 19th march 2016 )

     Denmark – Kingdom of Denmark
     Dominica – Commonwealth of Dominica
     Dominican Republic
     East Timor – Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
     Ecuador – Republic of Ecuador
     Egypt – Arab Republic of Egypt
     El Salvador – Republic of El Salvador
     Equatorial Guinea – Republic of Equatorial Guinea
     Eritrea – State of Eritrea
     Estonia – Republic of Estonia
     Ethiopia – Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
     Federated States of Micronesia
     Fiji – Republic of Fiji
     Finland – Republic of Finland
     France – French Republic
     Gabon – Gabonese Republic

    Let us  unite our hearts in prayer with an earnest expectation for harmony, forgiveness  and wholeness.

    Rev Palmer

    New Campaign support:        


    PRAYER CALL for the City of DETRIOT….ALERT

    Police: 7 die in ‘Random’ Michigan shootings; Suspect held...was the horrific news that I awoke to today, Sunday 21st February 2016. This news was especially heart wrenching for me because I was invited to Michigan in 2011 to introduce the strategy of Peacemakers Prayer Patrol for the areas of downtown Detroit and Flint in particular. This I did on and off for three years, but alas without much success in finding sufficient voluntary coherence to implement my Vision for visible Prayer Patrolers on the streets.

    AJ7400 Welcome to Michigan Sign at State Border
    AJ7400 Welcome to Michigan Sign at State Border

    Churches: There were a lot of Churches and lots of prayers going on, with many soup runs and welfare projects for the poor.  But behind the scenes there were gross territorial warfare between the various groups fighting for their own zones,  denominational and cultural clashes, and exclusivity sometimes to the point of exclusion where new or unfamiliar ideas such as Peacemakers was often treated as interfering and threatening.  Is it little wonder that the war on the streets continues to rise?

    The visibility of Prayer Patrols in any area makes a huge difference in terms of the regeneration and safety as well as building more cohesive neighborhoods.  PPP was introduced in Bristol in 2002 following fatal shootings, massive drug trafficking and other violent crimes on the streets of St Paul’s, later spreading into the neighboring borough of Easton.  PPP Working alongside other Peacekeeping agents such as the Police, members of the local community and  other Community Engagement Projects, saw remarkable changes within a short space of time.   The visibility of the Peacemakers was recognized and awarded by The Police Constabulary and local Government for their part in helping to build peaceful community relations, safer streets and confidence in the area.

    Prayer For Detroit:-

     “Today, amidst the tears sorrow, pain and grief of both the peoples directly and indirectly associated with these abominable acts of violence, a crime against Life Itself, I pray for Peace.

    I pray that Peace would heal the broken hearted and comfort those who mourn.  That the retribution of Divine love would so arrest the heart and souls of the perpertrators that the City can rest knowing that they will not strike again.  May the venom of hate and terror be overcome fully as agents of Peace we pray in unison for Peace to reign once again in Michigan,  throughout the United States, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, the Isles  and every inhabitable place of our world.

    In Love and Hope for Peace.”

    Reverend Dawnecia Palmer

    Reverend Dawnecia Palmer is a Spiritual Teacher, Visionary of The LIfe University LC . Life Alchemist /Soul Doctor for Life the   Magnificent Way Now Principles, and Founder of the  Peacemakers Prayer Patrol Int.  The Rev is a Global Community Activist, who is passionate about Global Peace.  She resides mainly in the UK, in-between her ongoing ‘Peaceful Earth Missionary Trips’.






    A global network of prayer, a force for good, a beneficial presence in the earth: to bless, protect, and actively engage with local communities.