PEACEMAKERS Global Prayer Mission for April


Peacemakers are asking people to SignUp and join them in their Global Prayer Mission for April, to pray for the 17 Countries listed below.  Each month 17 or 18 countries are specifically selected for prayer, as part of the Peacemakers Vision to Prayer Patrolling the whole world in 2016, country by country.

Block D:   Gambia The, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, HaitiVatican City, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia.

“I believe  that through ongoing collective prayers we are createing a supermagnifabilocious fortified field of goodness, and a magnificent presence on our planet. We must hold and maintain the vision that love, hope and peace is the climatory environment throughout the earth.

It’s a challenge to stay clear of the racus of bad news which often premeate the media.  And this we shall do, if we but set our intentions to right, seeing our atonement with Life, and insisting that we always hold a high frequency of gratitude.

It is high time to shake off the superstitions and suspicions, delete the outdated preset judgements, that only tends to immoral thinking and fake righteousness, and instead let’s think God, and get on with the imminent businesss of an awesome vision, the global mission of prayer patroling our beloved world.”

–  Reverend  Dawnecia Palmer (3:16)

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