Tag Archives: global community

PEACEMAKERS Prayer Patrols Birthday Tribute and Prayer for the murdered British MP JO Cox



Bunches of yellow orchids in a large ornate vase, a set of three church candles, and a minute silence, as the candles were lit, by Reverend Palmer in memory of MP Jo Cox.

The Rev is who is currently in New York for Saturday’s Prayer Patrols, said that she wished that she was able to attend the Memorial event in London Trafalgar Square today and that it was unfortunate that she also could not to attend the other gatherings being held throughout the US.  WP_20160124_12_59_40_ProHowever, in true Peacemakers fashion,  prayer and thanksgiving were made in memory of Jo Cox,  who would have been 42 years old today.


The Tribute

Related image“Birthday remembrance for MP Jo Cox. I light these three candles, each one symbolic of the three spheres of this precious life. The first is for her personal essence which  she called ‘my Self’.  The second, for her role as a Mother – an extension and produce of that self.  And the third, for her ministry, which includes her role as a wife, a daughter, a friend etc. as well as her work and service which she undertook for the good of mankind and in the hope of a better world”

The Prayer

And so as Jo rests in the arms of God, to whom we commend her soul, knowing that she did not live nor hope in vain, we too with hope, as Peacemakers, grieve alongside those that are grieving.  praying hands and candle   We especially wish to remember and pray for her husband, and their children, parents, family and friends, and the global community as they gather in remembrance and celebration of her life.  May Love, Hope and Peace strengthen, and preserve them all at this time, that when the lights of the candles are dim and no more, may the love and hope shared today live on forever.”

“Let justice be done. May the causes for which Jo Cox lived and worked never be forgotten, nor taken lightly, but may the baton be taken up by another with the same vigour, until justice is done, and the equality of the whole human race.” – Rev Palmer

“I give thanks for Life. The human body dies, but the greater reality than this is, ‘LIFE NEVER DIES’. I love this truth. I pray that the truth of this reality will keep our own heart, mind and soul in hope. And in so doing that Life will grant to us in remembering our loved ones which have gone on before us, as not having lived in vain but as even living now, in our thoughts, and by our actions, may see the fruit of those things for which they both lived and died.

I speak Peace now, I let it be, and so it is. Amen”

See > HERE – MP Jo Cox Birthday BBC NEWS