All posts by Rev Palmer



May love and supply visit at your hearts’ door.

Fling open wide the windows of your souls to the freedoms of Bliss that is already yours by Divine Design. O let it be! O receive it now! Then say,  “and so it is” …. and so it is! Amen.  Amen.

  • 2019 PREDICTION BENEDICTION  - by the Reverend Dawnecia Palmer, OBA AFP AOC - Chief Commissioner PEACEMAKERS Prayer Patrols

PEACEMAKERS 2018 End of Year Message

As we approach the last few days of 2018 what lessons have been learnt? And are we any wiser going forward? Because if we haven’t learnt Life lessons and are none the wiser, we might very well find that instead of going forward, we are even further back than where we were, when the year begun.

In order to move forward, we must rid ourselves of these 3 things – Worry, Want, War.

Worry not – because we cease to be in the now – we have forgotten what we are.

Want not – because we haven’t yet learned that all is as should be – we have forgotten whose we are.

War not – because hate, fear, anger, guilt and pain consume, consummate and separate – we have forgotten who they are.

So as 2018 fades into history, let us be mindful of the follies that separatism brings,  disasters and wars. Wars within, and those without,  of personal, societal and country. Gross consumerism, materialism, maltreatment of the ozone through greed and political tyranny, gluttony and competitiveness increase the illusion of not-enoughness, and the incessant vacuum of discontent.  And so, we fill our world with fears and stress and worry. Worry, the no.1 killer and not only does it kill personal joy, but it holds nations in terror, blocks out the light of camaraderie and trust for humanity, and in fear they subscribe to war.

Prayer " How good to know that God Is, Peace, Constant Supply, Blessed Assurance. How pleasant also to know that our life is the the life of God, and that, that Life lives and moves us all. It is good, it is very good. And standing on the final step of 2018 we delcare, war no more, I AM my supply, both now and always. Amen, amen, amen."

The PEACEMAKERS Prayer Patrols teams are as rays of light, bringing hope and uplifting communities in the areas they Patrol.  If you are interested in joining or creating a team in your area please do get in touch with us through the Contact Us page.

Namaste and Blessings.

This End of Year blog was written by Reverend Dawnecia Palmer, Cheif Commissioner for PEACEMAKERS Prayer Patrols

Festival of Lights

November, December, Winter,  days are shorter, evenings darker, and depending on where you live, the weather is considerably colder too. Yet it is during this season that we most celebrate the rich luminosity of lights.  Image result for christmas lightFrom the oil lamps and candlelights of Diwali, fireworks on Bonfire night, the flickering glow of small tea lights hidden inside scary-faced pumpkins,  larger crackling fires of the Winter Solstice,  the nine-lights lampstands of Hanukkah, or the twinkling bulbs of Christmas, to the seven candles lit each day for for the Sabba of Kwanzaa.


And so,  for any going through a restless dark night of the soul this winter, these festivals of lights are invitations to share in the warmth and glow of The Light and to brighten the path on the journey of Life.

At this juncture, let us call to mind that great Master Teacher who said, “I am the Light of the world.” It is this light that lights everyone at birth. And furthermore, we are told that we are the lights of a city set on a hill. We came here loaded with light. Therefore, comprehend your shine.  And as we own our light, we shine a path for others to see and so find their way through the darkness.

– written by Reverend Dawnecia Palmer



Peace, real peace begins inside. Peace starts with you. As we become open to this realisation, it allows an invitation for peace to enter and renew our lives.

Image result for peace

The changes we so desperately long to see in the world around us must already be happening inside us. As we wake up in consciousness to peace, we become a peace-giver to our own world and peacemakers for the world at large.Image result for peace

Seeing peace. Seek to see peace through lenses of peace, re-viewing each person as part of the global family of Life, the life of God, the Christ, the soul’s peace, thus creating peace for all.

Image result for peaceSo, step away from the noise of separation and not-enoughness, let go of fear and thoughts of pending dooms. Now, Turn inside, and with peace eyes, behold the vast domain of peacefulness! it is off the chain!

Plunge into the peace, lose your worry, disappointments and strivings for, let go regrets and mental garbage, and anything that may be blocking out the light of peace.
Create peace. Image result for peaceWe do not create peace by simply wishing for peace. How do we create peace?  We must ‘be aware’ that we came here embedded with a peace code. Peace, is man’s birthright,                                      the right trajectory and purpose of the soul.
  • Image result for peace Composed by Reverend Dawnecia Palmer - 2018


Time of Refreshings

May is indeed a time of refreshing as it is a time of hope.

As we advance toward the half-year mark we stand on this one step that stands, as it were, between what has been, and what is possible.

So here we get to engage and participate the greatest opportunity of our lifetime, the opportunity to choose.

What will your choices be?  Here you are given the chance to step in and step up, to the helm of your destiny: your unfolding.

Who and what am I? This fundamental question from which answers might well determine the rest of the year, the rest of your life.

At the core, you are the stuff from which you were beautifully formed. Designed to prosper in health and strength, beauty and love. All you could ever wish for and more that these are already within you. This, my friend, is the truth of your beingness.

Image result for mayAnd so, realising the truth about your essence will inform your choices going forward.

The way ahead is clear, inviting you to enter thereon, in the knowing that all is well and better still that all shall be well.

May each of us for the all of us, echo the soul’s sweet refrain ‘and so it is!’

And so it is.



AT The Edge…

The year 2018 is passing by so quickly.  The second hand of time swiftly diminishing into minutes. And minutes’ disappearing act as hours, days, and weeks, finally vanishing to become months, until here we are, already at the end of April: and somehow it seems as if it was only yesterday that we had said ‘hello January’.

Yes, time is swiftly passing by, but there is no need for us to be alarmed or worried. Eternity supersedes time and space, with endless, timeless days and nights.

Do you continue to check your watch and checking the clocks? And are you finding that there is less and less time to accomplish the goals you set and that you are barely making it in time? Just take a breath right here and know it is ok.

Not enoughness is a creation of an illusion theory that says that time is running out and that we are running out of time. But the truth is, you are an infinite being, of breath that cannot die. Your personality may be altered, changed or exchanged. The body form of which so many mistakes as themselves, choose to let us go when we least expect it to. But even though aspects of your experience may alter with time, or change or even to cease to exist as matter, know this truth, life endures forever.

And so as we approach the ending of each day, or week or month let us look beyond this single point.  Yes, your journey so far took you to this edge, but there are many other peaks ahead. We have been told do not look to the right or to the left on the path, and there is a reason for this. Whilst you are still heading towards the edge that is true, but once you get to the edge of that path, you should only tarry there briefly to appreciate and give thanks.

I call the end of each month an edge. An edge that shows me that I have come this far, but that I cannot stay, I must go on. I may tarry here to celebrate and give thanks but I must go on. And whilst many wishing the security and comfort zone of the middle ground have made this the place of their abode, I am not convinced, because I am of those that have come know that it is at the edge we find our wings.

Wings as new dreams and aspirations, an inner courage to go on come what may, reasons to hope again, strength to recalibrate, an inner impulse to forgive ourselves and others, and love to love.

–  written by Reverend Dawnecia Palmer

Continue reading AT The Edge…


When we think that we have been denied, abused, ill-treated, taken for granted, then, we either go low or set an intention to rise above.

When we go low we allow toxins to build up and multiply inside our system, clogging the arteries and shutting out the light, we lose our spark and illness ensue.

Whilst in our rising high, we invite the good endorphins to activate, sending messages across our systems to wake up, we become alert and highly motivated.

Image result for happy new year 2018And so, this year, make an intention of keeping your vibrations high. Let nothing and no one intimidate or shape your mode.

Steer your course to excel, to stay afloat, to stay awake.

Extend the wings of your imagination, the doorway to the heavenly realms of infinite possibilities. And step out into the open portal of self-forgiveness, and feel into the healing falls of divine grace and beauty, allowing it to bathe your senses.

Image result for happy new year 2018Create pockets of time within your day, each day, just to sit and appreciate the space that is you, taking in the awesome realisation that this is it. That this is all there really is, and here, surrender into this truth by letting go. Risk joy, it is possible. Risk rest, It is possible too.

Inhale deeply, and with your consciousness, of every fibre of your being, hold that breath in gratitude, for as long as you can, then, on your exhale feel yourself rise. Now say, “and so it is” – and so it is. Amen.

Penned by Dawnecia Palmer – Cleric, Soul Doctor & 21st-century Mystic

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