Five days until the end of 2016! and here, listed below, are the final 27 Countries of the 206 Countries Peacemakers have pledged to Prayer Patrol this year, by BLOCKS.
It has been a terrific year to date. There have been many published stories of horrific wars, millions of people were killed, injured, and suffered tremendous losses. But, there have also been much more glorious testimonies, of celebrations, victorious and courageous acts of giving and kindness, amazing stories of gratitude for lives saved, encouragements, personal development and numerous transformative adventures and innovations, the likes of which our planet has never before experienced, and Peacemakers are thankful to have had the opportunity to participate, by offering the global invitation to signup for the 2016 Peacemakers Global Prayer Patrol Mission.
"We are grateful for all who signed up to realize Peacemakers Vision for Global Peace in our world, country by country, one day at a time. It takes courage to hope amidst threats of terrorism. It takes guts and personal strength and integrity to love the seemingly unlovely and to pray for peace despite ongoing news stories of the climate and economic disasters affecting nations. Peacemakers are sowing seeds of Hope across nations.
The world needs love. If we must have hope in this world then let this be it, that Peace may reign in each person, starting with us, and to the world, Let there Be peace! Let's do this. Let's do it now. Amen."
- Comments and Prayer by Her Ladyship, Reverend Dawnecia Palmer, Peacemaker Prayer Patrol Commissioner.
In the final push to reach the whole world through prayer and gratitude, Peacemakers are appealing for you to signup today to show your support and to help accomplish this noble Mission for PEACE. You are also invited to place your prayers, messages of support and inspiring comments on the Contact US tab.
27 Countries from 26th December – 31st December 2016
Let Love Reign. Let Hope Reign. Let Peace Reign.