Tag Archives: Respect for Life

PEACEMAKERS “DESPERATE MEASURES FOR DESPERATE TIMES ” – Peacemakers Prayer Prayer Chief response to recent Dallas Shootings

Dallas< Left: See News of Police shooting in                                                                      Dallas




> Right: See Video recording  of Minnesota Police shooting


“It appears that we are living in desperate times,” says Peacemakers Prayer Patrols Chief Reverend Palmer this morning, in response to the recent civilian and Police shootings in Minnesota, Baten Rouge and Dallas. She continues, “It seems that the world is gone mad, quite mad. When persons aren’t planning to kill themselves, they are out there planning to take the life of another.

This insurgence of an insatiable desire to kill must not become the expected reality for our world.

We are being fed bad news of these atrocities day in and day out. There is also a surge to watch, listen to or else to participate in the most despicable killing acts, through the games being built and manufactured or through the films and programmes being made and produced. All in the name of industry, greed, in an  unconsciousness of psychological disorder.

But in all of these bizarre random and sometimes coordinated acts of violence, we must realise that these aren’t really new to the planet.

These barbaric acts of violence may appear new and unsettling for our times, but acts of this sort has perpetuated the earth ever since mankind yeilded to the temptation of fear, to himself in separation, and away from the perfect alignment of the All Good, the glorious source of Life itself.

And although throughout the annals of history we have been shown redemptive processes, even the ultimate act of sacrifice and service to restore us to an original statehood of love and wholeness; mankind still crumble to the temptation to yield to the wretched insane idea of the basest of selfhood mentality, which is so totally off key, seeking to die and to kill, instead of yielding to the call to live, full, vibrant, magnificent lives.

Desperate measures mean not yielding to the fear of the hurt we think we feel about ourselves. Also not yielding to the fear of being hurt by others. Nor yielding to the fear which tempts us to hurt others. Therefore in true order, we should begin to love value and respect life itself. Then and only then, may we be able to love, value and respect it within ourselves. This would cause us to value and respect life in others, and ultimately,  begin to hope that other people are also seeing life in the same way.

This is a rather simple but important measure, imperiative for the regeneration of our planet and ongoing good of mankind.

In fear, a person plans to take his own life. Feeling that his or her life is worth nothing in this world or at least, they feel that their life is of a far lesser value, especially in the cases of some suicide, and other cases where suicide bombers do it for rewards in the afterlife. In both instances, they were unconscious that the same LIFE that gave life in one existence is the same life everywhere.

At the root of all this destruction is fear. It is not about race, creed nor colour. It is about fear. It is this same fear and total disregard to life which prompts a Police officer to kill an unarmed man, and visa versa, an armed civillian killing an armed Officer. Fear takes on many disguises.  

Fear has built and instituted religion so far back that unless man wakes up now, we will keep destroying ourselves, each other and the planet. A person might even say I am all alone, I feel so lonely, not realising or conscious that the life which breathes them is everywhere present. We are therefore never alone in life. And life is always good and magnificent.

Someone once told me that it would take a miracle to change the world, and I have pondered these words for years.

                   A miracle is a desperate measure.

A miracle to me means that something that is beyond the scope of the mere matter. And you know as I do that us humans, animals, in fact, everything in which the breath  of life has a domain, which is the entire stuff of existence, including things inanimate; yes, you and I know that we fear everything that we do not quite understand, including ourselves.  Have you never heard of the person who asks himself why am I like this, why can’t I stop this?….  And so it is that we have become afraid of ourselves. And this fear drives us to overeat, to get angry with ourselves, so much so that we seek ways to cheat and so to kill this self, in hope of escaping from the lesser we feel we are now, because of the false illusion self we think we should be, or have, or gain or become.

                          Love, Value and Appreciate life FIRST

But I encourage us all, including myself, that life is magnificent still, it will always be as it is. There really is no now in life, even this newness we speak about so mindfully  is simply like a drug to hide away, to cushion and protect ourselves or else to create a false sense of a better self.  No no no, we must see that it as we begin to Love, Value and Appreciate life FIRST, then life within our individual selfhood, that we could even begin to hope for change. All the praying will be in vain until this action is taken. Praying does not stop anything until the thing we pray for is stopped. However, our prayers can and do influence the good change we wish for. WE must all seek to become the good we wish to see in our society, in order for the miracle of a radically transformative environment on earth as in the Heaven.

Do you love, value and respect Life? In your own body? in others? When we speak of others, it is interesting that people often categorise this ‘others’. They speak as if the life itself within a close family member such as  child or parent, husband and is different in an in-law, a close friend, a neighbour, a workmate, the person we meet on the bus, the doctor, or the distant person of another tribe and country. And so you can begin to see that it is truly only as mankind is sent back to the drawing-board, ego-free, to begin again. To look and see Life in Its totality, fairness, opulence, magnificence, beauty, fullness, allness, and okness. Only then, will mankind catch a glimpse of what he can become, of who he truly is, and who you and I truly are.

Years ago one man tried to decree that this was the way to peace, love, and life. And as we know the story’s end, the people groups of the world back then, stoned, beat, and killed him. But truth cannot be stopped, the truth cannot die. The truth is an eternal concept that will spring up again and again,  even though it may be chopped down time after time.

And so, I resurge this truth again today, it is no new truth. This is the truth that Life itself which is outside of time.  It is my wholehearted wish that these few words, as desperate as they may seem in our seemingly desperate times, that they will make a difference and leave an impression on at least one soul, as so create a spark of hope for a new earth. Amen. Amen”

Next prayer patrol, this Saturday9th July, in the notorious  Miami Gardens known for its weekly drive-by shootings 


Peacemakers and Respect4Life founder Reverend Dawnecia Palmer says ” I condemn this brutal shooting. It was  a calculated act of violence against members of the human race, in whom is the breath of Life. To each being is given the precious gift of ‘chance’to express and experience this life freely. Everyone has the right to live their portion of this life without terror, threat, verbal, mental or physical abuse or assault and any other ‘…cide’ action which brings another’s life to an end.”

Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 says, “Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being or living soul.”

According to this text, we are living souls in whom dwells the breath of life, that is the life of God. Here we see the focus shifting from the base frame of the temple to the quality and purpose to who and what lives in the temple.  Who lives you?

Who lives you is your life. There is only one life, and one truth. We may debate this fact but it will never change the truth of it. You cannot kill life. Life lives as in eternal. This is why I  believe that these insensible barbaric inhumane acts of murders are futile. Of course, we will miss the physical, dust form to  which we have become familiar, through our various relationships , such as parents, children, family, spouse, friends, and so on. But we must know this, life doth not die. Never. Ever. Those who can grasp this truth will conquer the fear that those who commit these atrocities seeks to perpetuate.

I take this opportunity to say. I do not condone killings of any sort. In fact, I condemn every murderous act, be it through thought, will or action. And So, let us acknowledge Life. Let us be grateful for life. And let us strive to preserve life.

In closing, my prayer goes out to those who lost someone during the Orlando shooting, for those who were injured, for the neighbourhoods and the City, as they mourn  the losses, heal from the pain, that they may begin to move forward to live, despite the memories of the awful tragedy.  Amen.”



Hilary Benn, MP for Leeds Central, Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow, PM David Cameron, Commons chaplain Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn arrive in Birstall this afternoon

PEACEMAKERS Leader Reverend Palmer joins with other Leaders and thousands of people in England, to pay respect and tribute to Labour MP Jo Cox. “In the shocking wake of the hideous killing of Jo Cox, our condolences and prayers for comfort, goes out to her husband Brendan Cox, and the couple’s two children, their family, friends, co-workers, members of her constituency, and the peoples of West Yorkshire as they mourn the death of a beloved wife, mother, daughter, friend and MP.  Hers is a precious soul, a valuable member of the human race, who contributed so beautifully for its betterment. Today our prayer is also for 77-year-old Mr Bernard Kenny, the stabbed victim, who almost gave his life to save Jo. WE pray for his  health and a speedy recovery .”

The usually quiet Yorkshire town has become the centre of the country's attention as people gather to leave floral tributes in Market Square

“WE are living in an age and season where the availability and access to guns are easily available; where there is a lack of respect for life, and where if ever a time we need an acceleration for prayer, it is NOW.” BBC UK News report HERE

Thousands of people stood solemnly in silence in Parliament Sqaure in London, to remember the MP“Peacemakers are relentless praying  the change we wish to see for our world.  LOVE, HOPE and PEACE is our charge for this year, and we are resolved to see this through. I grieve with those who mourn the death of our loved ones, but will not give in to these barbaric acts of violence and the killing of innocent people. We will press on in ardent prayer, in spite of this. We are also praying for the perpetrator, it is obvious that he needs help. So we pray that he will now get this help even though it will come too late to save Mrs Cox.”

“I urge communities to ‘man’ our streets with Prayer Patrols and use this sombre occasion to send out this appeal for Justice and safer streets, everywhere.

Prayer Patrols often meet and pray with people, some ‘on the edge’, and if there are obvious signs of serious mental issues, we try as best as we can to encourage them to seek further professional help. But by being available to listen to the cares, frustrations, and concerns of people on the streets have helped combat a whole lot of crimes over the years.

I remember a few years ago, a small band of us going out in Bristol, street crime was on the increase then.  We met a man who had just been released from prison 4 months previously,  he was armed to commit a violent crime on another man that he said had ‘p…ed him off’ earlier that day.  I watched as a few of the older women in the group prayed with him, they pleaded with him, and basically loved him through his anger until it subsided, and he had a change of heart. This was just one case, but I dread to think what might have happened had we not been out there. Who knows perhaps a wife, a mother and her children would be in mourning as we are today? ”


“…….and so, may our Prayers ‘light up the darkness’,  bringing comfort to those mourning the loss of loved ones, healing to broken lives, and helping to kerb the destitute minds of the perverted, by sowing seeds these tiny seeds of hope and peace to lighten our world.”

  • - Reverend Dawnecia Palmer on behalf of Peacemakers Prayer Patrol and Respect4Life - June 20, 2016
  • Next Prayer Patrol Queens, NY, 3pm, Saturday 25th June 2016