2nd Sound the Alarm PEACEMAKERS PRAYER PATROL online prayer call ‘Safer City’ Featured Special Guest Speaker is Bristol Police Commander, Superintendent Mark Runacres, of Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Friday 27th August 2021, at 12.30 via Google Meet Link.
Sign into Google meet Account and use the GOOGLE MEET LINK BELOW to join the meet anytime ATER 11 am https://meet.google.com/uem-yynt-zzy
However, Meet won’t start until 12noon on the Day
PEACEMAKERS Chief and Police Commander will be talking about the benefits, impact, and effects of local initiatives like PEACE Patrols that are geared towards helping to create safer streets and communities, and how he sees this fitting within the overall Policing and Safety of our Cities.
“This promises to be very interesting and engaging interesting – and one you do not want to miss!”
We will be joined by some of the Prayer City safety Patrollers, Lorna Supria CEO Taking Back our Streets London, Prayer Patrol Rep in New York, and Prayer Rep in Nigeria, and hopefully friends from Jamaica. Look forward to seeing, learning, and praying with you.
Please pass this information to anyone whom you think might be interested or that may benefit from this opportunity. Please use our Contact US form, the Prayer Request TAB, or Email: peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com. for inquiries and to get more information
If you are interested but unable to attend and have prayer needs or concerns that you wish to share privately for prayer. Email us directly at peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com.
We have been made aware that sometimes people do not wish to be seen during online MeetUPs this is totally understandable. You can do so safely by muting Camera before clicking the Join now link, you will be totally hidden and no one will be able to see you. However, you must remember If they do not wish to speak or wish to hide your background noises, they can do so either by Muting their Mic either before joining or during the event. To participate simply unmute your audio.
Thank you and look forward to you joining us on Friday, 27th August 2021 at Midday!
NEXT PATROL: ‘Peace Angels will be in Upper Eastville and Fishponds from Midday Wednesday 1st September, if you would like to join with us in any of the two areas please contact us via the CONTACT US Page or Email directly to peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com