Tag Archives: First


All days are good, and all numbers too, but it so great to live in them when they are in the synchronicity of numbering, as they are today. They become great reminders of the one (1) Power, one as in (1st) First, and One as in an undivided unified field.  The number seven (7) represents perfection.

Prayer for Today…

I pray on this day, the seventh day, of the first month of the year 2017, that  peoples of the world, of the varying  tribes, nations, languages, social status, political or non-political biases,  would become as One, in The one Power – Love, and that through this wonderful vibration of Love, we may begin to enter a season of Peacemaking treaties with ourselves, each other, and God, in an undivided unified field of blessing on earth, as in heaven. Thus fulfilling the golden prayer of Jesus the Christ “…on earth as it is in Heaven.” Amen.

-Writing by Reverend Palmer 17/1/17


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