A Prayer for MARCH 2023

A Prayer for March

~ by Lady Dawnecia Palmer

“Life as Light, in God, through goodness come to us, now. Lighting our days, and making clear the path for us to trod.

Moving from the dark of winter towards the brightness of Spring,  warm our hearts, still our fears, and delivers us from worry, hatred, blame, deceit, and many threatening dangers; which, oftentimes  blight our joy, hinder our peace, and disturb our rest.

As the new month of March begins, and planetary forces prepare to endorse environmental changes on our world;

Life as Light, ready us too, by stirring a deeper, keener awareness of what is possible, so that with open hearts and ready mind, allow your  kindness, love, and light, to fill our days and nights.

Let your brightness guide and lead, to heights of joy, and, unending realms of peace, till souls truly satisfied, in stillness rests. 

Amen. Ashay.”

January 2023: A Thought for the year ahead

JUST STYLE'S OUTLOOK 2023 | Bureau Veritas CPSAs we enter the New Year, fresh hopes, opportunities, possibilities lies ahead for each of us. It is how we approach each day that makes a year great, or I should say, makes a great year.

So, in the upcoming days, weeks and months, I am suggesting that you reflect this thought, perhaps jotting them down somewhere for easy access, and then reciting them out aloud each day.  “I will approach all my days this year with hope and joy. I will try my best to see the good in everything and everyone.   I am responsible for my own happiness, and I endeavour to do so.  I choose gratitude over complaining, and peace over worry. “

Now, if you have just read the paragraph above, or better still, if you did as it suggested and owned the words as your own truth or wishes, then, I can assure you that you are already on route to a great year ahead!

I wish you Wellnessology, and success in all you do this year. May your days be ecstatic with hope.  And each week filled to bursting with amazing testimonials, so that by the time the year comes to an end, you will be able to join me in the  resounding joy-filled acclamation – “2023 has been a fabulous year for me!”


Reflections composed by Reverend Dr. Dawnecia Palmer,  Spiritual leader,     LU Life Church - a global spiritual community portal

**PEACEMAKES PATROLS upcoming Schedules soon to be announced!!


A Prayer for DECEMBER

A Prayer for December

God of all months, days, and times

To Thee we ascribe thanks and praise for this and all our days past and to come. As we enjoy the festivities, gifts, and celebrations around this season of cheer, whist we are very grateful, we are also mindful that there are those who are lonely, sad, broken, hungry, facing hardships and  sufferings in various ways; for these we pay strength  and hope, love, deliverance, provision, and peace.

We give thanks that it is so and so it is! Amen and amen.                         

~ Reverend Dr Dawnecia Palmer

Bristol Bonfire Night Patrol & A Prayer for November


PEACEMAKERS City Safety Patrollers will be out and about on the streets of Bristol on a night known as Guy Fawkes Night or BonFire Night in Bristol, around the Royatte Hill, Gordon Road and Whitehall areas.

The Rose Green & Bristol West Indian Phoenix Cricket Club will be running a Family Fireworks Display  Extravaganza  on their grounds, staring at 4pm through to 10pm.





Over the years there has been negligent fireworks crimes on Bonfire night where young people loiter the streets throwing fire works at each other or at passing cars. However,  in recent years there has been fewer reports of these types of activities, with less unorganised fireworks gatherings around the city.

Rev Palmer says she hopes the Patrols prayer presence, and bright High-Viz Jackets, will help to keep the peace, and hopefully ward off  ruckus pranksters.

The Patrollers will gather for prayer across from the Queen’s Head Pub at the top of Royatte Hill at 7pm, before moving along Royatte Hill towards the Fishponds Trading Estates, Gordon Road, and into Whitehall. For more information please Email: peacemakersprayerpatrol@gmail.com

A Prayer for November

God our light

Shining beams of love,

Fill hearts and minds.

Illumine  homes and streets

Alleyways and lanes,

And brighten the paths we thread.

Protect the weak and innocent

With love and light,

And for Goodness sake

Let all be safe. Amen.

A Prayer for November ~ written by Reverend Dr Dawnecia Palmer, Chief Commissioner PEACEMAKERS Patrol



Reminder: NEXT Prayer City Patrol, BS5 & BS2, Bristol, UK

Next Prayer and City Safety Patrol.

Thursday 13th October.

Patrol to begin with prayer at Midday at the Easton railway bridge on Stapleton Road side. Patrol will move through the pathway over M4 Motorway footbridge, through to St. Werburghs Park on Mina Road.

Patrol will then head towards the St.Pauls’ area along Grosvenor Road, stopping on the Green outside the St. Pauls Learning Centre for Prayers.

Patrol will then proceed down through St Nicholas Road, crossing over footbridge at end of St. Nicholas Road, then taking the path along the river back into Easton via path leading up to JC3 Library.

From the Library Patrol will cross of through the side street adjacent to the JC3 towards the  Lebeq Tavern on Stapleton Road. Patrol will end in the square across from the Tavern for the last prayer call.

I hope as many of you as can join us. Please let me know your interest and size beforehand, this is so we provide you with appropriate size Patrol Jackets. Our High-viz  Jackets are necessity if you are wishing to patrol with us.

We look forward to welcoming you! Namaste. God Bless you.🙏🏽🙋🏼‍♀️

October National and International Holidays, including a Prayer for October

October, wetter cooler days and nights, yet a time we get to once again behold the beautiful fall of  multi-coloured  autumn leaves on the ground.

October tenth month of the year, comes from an old Latin word Octo which literally translates eight, was the eighth month in the old calendar of Romulus c. … 750 BC.  It was also called Winterfylleth by the Saxons, meaning fullness of winter, as it sets us up in preparation for the colder, darker months ahead. Colours associated with October are opal and tourmaline.

Metaphysically October is a time for spirit soul body balance, to set a higher, more conscious intention, on how we wish to show up and express on the planet, and within the sphere of our day to day experiences.

A short prayer for October ~ by Rev Dr Dawnecia Palmer

To God, Lord and Life of all our days and nights, months and years. Great gratitude and thanksgiving bring. Hear this our humble prayer, and grant that we may be ever in the awareness of the magnificent vastness of your love, and live in peace, each day throughout this month of October. Amen, Ameen, Ashay! and so it is!!

Please find below a short listing of some of the Awareness Days and Events taking place over the course of October, nationally and globally.

1       Coffee Day

2       Grandparents Day UK

4        Yom Kippur + 1 day

5       World Smile Day/World Teachers Day

9       Sukkot + 7 days

10      World Mental Health Day/Columbus Day USA/Native American day

12       International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction

13       World Sight Day

15        World Singing Day & World Sweetest Day USA

16        World Food Day

17         World Child Poverty Day/International Eradication of Poverty Day

21        Trafalgar Day UK

24       United Nations day

25       Diwali/World Opera Day

30       British Summertime Ends

31        Halloween

July: UPCOMING EVENTS/PATROLS/11th Sound the Alarm Midday Prayer Call

May Goodness rule and reign in hearts and minds

May Safety, Protection, and Peace bless our homes, schools, streets

May Love and Truth permeate our world. Revd D Palmer
11th Sound the Alarm Midday Prayer call, JULY 20th 2022

Join via Google Meet link  https://meet.google.com/zyf-cgki-feb

Topic: Endurance vs Perseverance 

Speakers: Revd Palmer


8th  July    ST Paul’s Park                             *Morning Patrol

14th July   Fishponds  (Lanes/Track)   *Afternoon Patrol

20th July   Easton  – Main Streets          *Night Patrols

25th July   Eastville Park                             *Time TBD

Volunteers NEEDED! Volunteers NEEDED! Volunteers Needed!! To get involved please use our Contact US page with your name, telephone number and/or email address HERE


PEACEMAKERS City Safety 24/7  Prayer & Safety Alert Careline. 

   084 5468 0114

N.B  Please Note 084 Numbers are charged at a fixed rate of 5p per minute plus the caller’s phone provider’s access charge. International calls rates can be even higher.
To report crime  as well going directly to 999 or Crime Stoppers 


Continue reading July: UPCOMING EVENTS/PATROLS/11th Sound the Alarm Midday Prayer Call

JUNE: PEACEMAKERS Prayer for the Month/Reminder Sound the Alarm Midday Prayer Call/Next Patrol

A Prayer for June

150+ Surefire New Month Prayer Points for Breakthroughs [June 2022] - Matchless Daily

“In this a season of light, beginning to the warmer, brighter, longer daylight days, I pray that light, and delight, LIFE’s purest light will brighten, shine, and glow our lives each day.  Amen, Ameen, Ashay.

June 10th Sound the Alarm Midday Prayer Call  Wednesday 15th June, 12noon -12.30pm

via Google Meet link https://meet.google.com/zyf-cgki-feb

Next Patrol: Thursday 16th June 10am Easton back streets & cycle tracks

for more info on Patrols or other upcoming PEACEMAKERS Events/activities please contact via the CONTACT US Tab HERE

Happy June! Stay safe!!

A global network of prayer, a force for good, a beneficial presence in the earth: to bless, protect, and actively engage with local communities.