“I’ve just heard.. another young man stabbed to death in St. Pauls, Bristol, UK. These stabbings must STOP!!
I am appealing to Parents and Grandparents to step up to the plate to save our young people’s lives..IT could be YOUR CHILD OR GRANDCHILD, Nephew, Niece or Cousin NEXT!!
Let’s get proactive meet on the Green in St. Pauls Tuesday 25th July at 1pm (weather permitting) for a Patrols vigil for the lives lost through knives, and to say a firm 🚫⛔NO to knives on our streets…
~ Reverend Dawnecia Palmer – Chief Commissioner PEACEMAKERS Prayer and City Safety Patrols.🙏🏽👣
Continue reading **PATROLS LATEST! →
Parents and Grandparents say 🚫 to young persons stabbing each other, carrying knives or dangerous weapons. Weather permitting, we gather at Eastville Park this coming Saturday, 8th July, between 2pm – 3.30pm on the grass in the Children’s area! Bring your own mat to sit on. If you have a child or care about what’s happening in our city our with young people, then I’ll to see you there. Let’s ‘STEP UP TO THE PLATE’ Let’s take responsibility! Let’s save a young person’s life. Let’s say 🗣 NO knives on our streets. Whatever your age, sex, race, religion, status. If you care, be there! This is an appeal by PEACEMAKERS Prayer and City Safety Patrols. 🙏🏽✌🏼Please pass this on ❣
A global network of prayer, a force for good, a beneficial presence in the earth: to bless, protect, and actively engage with local communities.